Page 27 of Cooper
“You don’thave to.”
“Get in.”Moving around, he opened the door for her. With an impatient sigh,she slid in and closed the door.
Taking several deepbreaths, she pushed the start button and headed out with himfollowing her.
Traffic wassurprisingly light at that time of night. She drove automaticallythrough the intersection and made the turn-off to bring her to herapartment building. She was on the lower level, and going into herdesignated spot, she switched the engine off and got out.
“Thank you.”He parked next to her and exited his car.
“This is me.”
“Give me yourkeys.”
“Now look-”
“I intend tosee you inside the building.” His voice was implacable, and shefelt that arguing with him would be futile.
Digging into herpocketbook, she handed him the key and led the way. Hiding hissurprise at the shabby exterior, he unlocked the door, stepping asidefor her to pass him and enter the tiny living room.
“I will makeyou some tea.”
“You don’t-”She began talking to his back as he strode towards the small kitchen.Toeing off her shoes, she followed him, getting there just as he putthe kettle on. He dwarfed the room even more with his height and thewide breadth of his shoulders.
He had gotten rid ofthe dark blue scrubs he had been wearing and put on a light greensweater. She could not help but notice the way the muscles bunchedand flexed beneath the material.
“Where do youkeep the hard stuff?”
“In the pantrynext to you.”
She watched as heefficiently made them both tea and handed the cup to her. “Drinkas much as possible; you are in shock.”
“You must be adoctor.”
“Ha. And youare very amusing.”
Picking up the cup,she took a sip, relishing the warmth floating down her throat andinto her stomach. She had no idea she was still shivering until shesat down, and it all came flooding back. The horror of it almostcrushed her.
“Drink.”His authoritative voice had her bristling, but she obeyed him anddrank until the cup was empty.
She shook her headno. Finishing his tea, he came around to stand in front of her.
“You are stillshocked.” Taking her hand, he drew her to her feet.
“I am a doctor;I have seen dead people before.” Her voice broke, and to herhorror, she felt the tears starting.
Making a decisionthat had been in his mind for some time, he lifted her into his arms.“Where is your room?” He asked softly.
Brooke had never feltthe need to have a man take care of her. She was fiercely independentand accustomed to doing things her way. But right now, it felt sogood to relinquish control and have his strong arms around her.
He smelled friendlyand expensive, and his chest was broad and made for snuggling.Lifting a hand, she pointed toward the left, and he strode off.
Switching on thelight, he swiftly took in the sparsely furnished room with thecolorful quilt on the bed and the matching rug at the foot of it. Heplaced her on it and sat next to her hip.
“I am notleaving,” he told her huskily, his eyes making his intentionsclear. “If you have a problem with that, you must speak now.”