Page 21 of Cooper
“I took a cabso I can numb myself with liquor all night long.” Tucking herhand through his arm, she leaned in to kiss him. “And theseshoes, I swear I am walking on stilts. They were designed to have mefalling on my ass if I am not careful.”
“Love thedress,” he told her with a grin.
“Mother has asense of humor. First, she had me going to that dreadful salon whereI had to sit for three freaking hours to get the braids out; then itwas time to shampoo and deep condition my hair, and then the blowdryer.
Afterward, I had tothreaten that bitch to redo my braids because she was going on and onabout the length and thickness of my hair and why I would not leaveit as it was.
I had to explain toher while trying not to scream or choke her to death, that I am adoctor and my work consumes me. I do not have time to sit in front ofa mirror and try to develop a style every day. Braids make it easierand are more practical for me.”
“It looksgood.” Lifting a hand, he tugged at a loose twist that hadescaped the bun on top of her head. “You look like a girl.”He teased her.
“Newsflash, Iam a girl.” She turned to look around the room. “I amplanning on ditching in thirty minutes.”
“Mother will begiving her speech by then, and she is going to be pissed if you missit.”
“I need to gohome-” Her voice trailed off as she stared at the man severalfeet away. Dr. Cooper Rochester looked unlike his usual self. He worea dark blue tux, his thick dark hair brushed severely from hisforehead.
Her breath caught inher throat when he laughed at something someone in the group said tohim. As if he knew she was watching him, he lifted his head andlooked right at her.
One dark brow lifted,his eyes wandering boldly over her. His gaze lingered on her lips.She had painted a bold red to walk down the rest of her body beforereturning to her face. Brooke found herself bristling at the intimatesmile curving his lips.
“Who- Ah, Dr.Rochester. Have you formally met him?”
“He volunteeredtwo days at the clinic last week.” Tearing her gaze from hishooded eyes, she returned to her brother.
“Not his usualscene.”
“He was fillingin for Dr. Graham.”
Dwayne lifted hiseyes, amused that the man was staring at his sister. “He seemsto like looking at you.”
“I suspect thata man like that enjoys looking at women as if they were a rack oflamb.” She said dryly, wringing a laugh from him.
“He is comingover.”
“What? Here-”She started to hand him the champagne glass to leave, but it was toolate.
“Dr. Campbell,what a surprise.” The deep voice had her gritting her teeth asshe turned to face him.
“Why? You didnot think I could find the right outfit for the occasion?”
“Something likethat.” His amused drawl was tinged with laughter. “It’svery - er- shall we say - gratifying to see you out of yourscrubs.”
“Oh, just-”
“I am herbrother, Dwayne.” The interruption was smooth and well-timed.
“Very nice tomeet you,” Cooper said, reaching for his hand.
“I will see youin a few, honey.” He was gone before she could stop him,leaving her alone with the annoying man.
“It’sjust you and me now; what shall we do?”
“I don’tcare what you do, but I know I will find the nearest bar and drown mydistaste for being here.” She started to turn and leave whenshe realized he was walking alongside her.