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The blue salon was sonamed because of the shimmering blue of the wallpaper and the blueand white decor. It was their mother's favorite room, and she haddecorated it several times while maintaining the standard blue colorscheme.
The woman seatedbehind the antique desk looked up as they made their way into theroom, coolly beautiful dark brown eyes assessing her daughter, thedispleasure immediately apparent on her lovely face.
MarjorieHowell-Campbell had a regal bearing and robust physical features, allof which she had passed to her daughter. They bore a strongresemblance to each other, the only difference being that Brooke hadinherited her dad's coffee and cream complexion.
"You are late."
"Only by fiveminutes. Good day to you too, mother."
"You know how Iam a stickler when it comes to time."
"All too well. Iam here, am I not?"
"And your hair-" Marjorie did her best to stifle the distaste as she took inher daughter's untidy braids. "That place keeps you so occupiedthat you cannot find the time to get rid of those things?"
Brooke shrugged herbrother's calming hand on her arm and walked over to the cabinetwhere the pre-dinner drinks were already laid out. Selecting thebrandy snifter, she poured a generous amount, knowing she would needmuch more to get through the evening.
"It does. And ifgetting all fancied up and running to the salon is a requirement forthese little soirees, I will have to pass. You either take me as I amor not. Your choice, Mother."
They stood thereglaring at each other, two strong and indomitable females, neitherone intent on budging.
"Why don't weall settle down?" Dwayne, who had been playing the peacemakerfor years, stepped into the breach. "Mother, I see you do nothave a drink in your hand. What are you having?"
"Just a glass ofsherry, darling. I have been battling this report for days and am notgetting anywhere." She flicked a glance at her daughter, hermouth tightening. "I hope I can rely on you to be at thefunction on Saturday."
"Another of yourendless rounds of parties? I will see if it fits into my busyschedule."
"No, darling."Marjorie shook her head at her son, giving him a fond glance beforeturning towards her daughter. “I do not require much from you,just that you are part of the family whenever needed.
You are so hooked onproving to yourself and others that you hate the privileges ofbelonging to a family of means that you would do anything in yourpower to shame us. I would like to remind you that the money you sodespise helped you to attend college and go to medical school, notthat it has done you any good.”
Brooke did her bestto reign in her temper, shooting her brother a warning look as hestepped toward her.
“You know whatI hate, Mother? It’s not the money. Oh, no. That I can tolerateor even accept; what I hate about this soulless society you belong tois the hypocrisy and the ability to ignore the fact that people areout there hurting - people are starving to death, our health andlegal system are geared toward people who already have money.
I see victimizationevery damn day at that clinic - women who are afraid of their ownshadow, who are battered and bruised, children, mere children sohooked on drugs, they don’t know where they are!
While you and yourcronies are sitting pretty in swanky hotel rooms sipping expensivechampagne and eating caviars, the real world is going to pieces. It’sall good for you to sit around on your collective butts and talkabout this charity and that charity and write a check, but then what?Easing your conscience is not the way to go about it.”
The silence inthe room after her impassioned speech was profound, and Brooke wasabout to apologize when there was a discreet knock on the door.
“Dinner isready, Ms. Marjorie,” Alice said quietly, poking her head in.Marjorie moved from behind her desk without a word and left the room,leaving them to follow.
“Was thatnecessary?” Dwayne pulled her back as she was about to follow.
“I waspissed.”
“Brooke, youare always pissed.”
“It’sthis damn house.” She hissed out a breath. “I have noidea how you can stand living here.”
“It’s anice house, and we are supposed to have a normal family dinner.”
Brooke barked out alaugh. “That is never going to happen.”
“I need you tobehave.”