Page 72 of Brennan
When it ended, sheleaned against him weakly, taking several deep breaths. “So itappears I am off a duck.”
“How do youfeel?” He asked her tenderly.
“How about somesoup?”
“Plain soup. Ineed to rinse my mouth out.”
Lifting her into hisarms, he took her to the sink and turned the tap on.
“I will takeyou upstairs and let you lie down a bit.”
“Okay.”She buried her face into his chest and closed her eyes. “Iguess this is just the beginning.”
“Are you up forit?”
“That’sa moot point.”
“I instructedAndre to make some plain soup for her. How is she?”
“Her stomach isempty. Is this what I must look forward to for the nine months?”Picking up his wine glass, he finished it.
“I had manycomplications when I was pregnant with you—trips to thehospital, doctor home visits, and the inability to keep anythingdown. Sit darling. I will get one of the maids to take her up atray.”
He sat. “Howlong did it last?”
“For sevenmonths, and then it was smooth sailing after that. I was a scarecrowfor those seven months.”
“The reason whyI did not want her working.”
“No.” Heshook his head with a laugh. “She is determined to make adifference, and I cannot deny that. She has been thrust into alifestyle she is not accustomed to, and I have to give her someleeway.”
“You love her,”Elizabeth murmured.
He stared at her insurprise. “I told you that.”
“You did, butseeing you together confirmed it.”
“I amridiculously in love with her.’ He admitted with a shaky laugh.“I hover, and when I am not with her, I call and check-in. Ihave never felt this way before in my life, and it scares the hellout of me.”
His mother smiled athim. “treasure it, darling. I never had that with your father,and I wonder what would have happened if we had been in love. Yourchildhood would have been so different.”
“I do believeyou are right.” His appetite had deserted him. He had heard hervomiting up everything she ate, and it had brought home to him theenormity of what she was facing. He could never bear to lose her. Hehad also been doing a considerable amount of reading on pregnancy,and it was not settling well with him.
“You are goingto make a great dad.” She said softly, cutting into histhoughts.
“And you knowthat - how?”
“You arealready an excellent husband. She felt ill, and you did not hesitateto jump up and run to her rescue. Bart never did anything like thatfor me.” Elizabeth fiddled with the stem of her glass. “Iwas ill for most of the pregnancy, and that did not stop him fromgallivanting all over the place. Parties trip out of the country.”
A grim smile touchedher lips. “Oh, he would instruct the staff to check on me toensure I was properly fed. It would not do to have Bart Connelly’swife passing out or dying when he was off somewhere with God knowswho.”
“Was he therefor doctor’s visits?” Brennan asked her tensely, feelingthe anger rise inside him.