Page 70 of Brennan
“I amtrying.”
A familiar face sweptThe doors open, and Madison felt the tension easing a little. “Mr.Brennan and Ms. Madison, it’s so good to see you,” Elaineexclaimed with a beaming smile on her road face. “Ms. Elizabethsaid you should go on right into the living room. Oh, andcongratulations.”
“Thank you,Elaine,” Madison told her gratefully.
“Let me takeyour coats.” As soon as she did, Brennan took his wife’sarm and left the way into the living room.
“My dear,welcome.” Elizabeth offered a warm smile and outstretchedhands, forcing Brennan to let go of her.
“What utternonsense. You must call me Elizabeth.” She admonished. “Don’tyou look exquisite?”
“Mother.”Brennan greeted her with a smile, an amused glint in his eyes. “Youare overdoing it,” He whispered as he bent to kiss her cheek.
“I am being theperfect host.” She whispered back. “Come,’ Shegestured to Madison. “Please sit right here and Brennan-”
“Will besitting here.” He sat on the arm of the chair his wife hadtaken.
“You know how Ihate anyone doing that.”
“I am not goingto break it. But I need to stay close to my wife. I hope that’snot a problem.” He lifted his brow at her.
“Of coursenot.” Elizabeth kept her smile in place. “Ah, thecocktails. I know you are expecting, my dear, so I instructed them tobring you a glass of light sherry.”
“That’sfine.” Madison felt the tension returning and was happy forBrennan’s presence next to her.
“So tell me,how have you been doing? I understand they have the men who assaultedyou in custody?”
“They do.”Madison took an experimental sip of the sherry and decided she likedit.
“That’sexcellent news.” Elizabeth searched for something else to sayand decided that mentioning the charity would not be such a bad idea.“We are receiving several donations, and the interest in thosegirls is rather high.”
“I am happyabout that. Public awareness of what’s happening goes a longway to help them. Brennan told me you are interviewing prospectiveassistants?”
Elizabeth waved thehand holding her Cabernet. “So far, I have not found one ascompetent as you were.”
“I have asuggestion, but first, I would like to apologize for leaving you inthe lurch.”
“My dear, youdid more than that. You breached the contract.”
“She isright, darling.” She touched his hand briefly. Sitting acrossfrom them, Elizabeth felt the jolt of her heart as she saw the looksexchanged between the two and could not help the jealousy. They wereindeed in love with each other.
“I want to makea suggestion. Why don’t I come back to work? You would not haveto give me a salary-”
“No.” Hesaid firmly as he stared at his wife. “The last time you workedhere, you were assaulted and almost raped and killed.”
“But it’sdifferent now. I would not be working as late and doing as much-”She turned to Elizabeth, who had a spark of interest in her eyes.“Right?”
“Darling, shehas a point.” She looked at her son pleadingly. “Yourwife knows the ins and outs of the various charities and was makingmuch headway on the project. I would-”
“Mother, couldyou give us the room, please? I need to speak to my wife alone.”