Page 67 of Brennan

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Page 67 of Brennan

A reluctant smiletouched his lips. “Trying to distract me darling?”

“Is itworking?”

“Somewhat. Tellme what kind of music,”


They were waiting forhim when he got there that morning. He had risen early enough to makebreakfast for his wife and helped her with her shower, staying untilMaria got there so she did not have to be by herself. And he hadarmed himself with the legal documents he would use to prove hispoint.

“Mother.”He greeted her coolly before nodding to the contingent of lawyers.They were using Conference Room B, and someone, no doubt herassistant, had laid refreshments on the table by the window. He wasnot in the mood for food.

“I understandcongratulations are in order.” Luke Carmichael, the head of thelegal team and a long-time friend of the family, said smoothly fromhis position at the head of the table.

“Thank you.”

The other menfollowed suit, of course, something that did not surprise Brennan.

“There are somelegal ramifications-”

“Before youstart handing out dire warnings about my marriage, Luke, I suggestyou and your minions take a look at these documents. I was top of myclass at Harvard Law and happened to know precisely what you arecoming with.” He handed the man the documents, waiting for himto scan them. He had yet to take a seat.

“You hadsomeone do up a prenup.” The man murmured.

“And dulysigned by my wife, which serves to prove to your mother that she isnot after my money.” He gave the silent woman a haughty lookthat reminded her of his father.

“And yourmarriage certificate, which appears to be authentic.”

Brennan laughedharshly and shook his head. “I believe I will have some coffeeafter all.” Striding over to the table, he poured a cup andreturned it. “You almost sound disappointed.”

Ignoring thesarcastic comment, the man continued. “There is the matter ofbreach of contract. Your wife was specifically told that she couldnot marry for two years. She agreed to the terms and signed saidcontract.”

The anger explodedinside him, and he rounded on his mother. “Seriously? She isyour goddamned daughter-in-law and soon-to-be the mother of yourgrandchild. So, sue us because it will be ‘us’ mother. Mywife and I are a team; if you go after her, you come after me. Andbelieve me when I tell you it will not be pretty.”

“There is noneed for threats-”

“I need tospeak to my son alone. Please leave.”

Elizabeth rose andwent to get coffee as soon as the men trooped out of the room.

“I don’twant to speak to you. How could you do this?'' Furious, he felt likehurling the cup against the wall. “Have a bunch of lawyersraking over our personal lives. Is that the type of person you havebecome? Did you live with him so long that you have adopted some ofhis less attractive traits?”

“Do you want meto apologize?” She turned to him, eyes flashing. “Well, Iwon’t. You are my only child, one that I love more thananything in the world, and you lied to me.

You married that -that woman without a word, and I am supposed to do what? Smile as ifeverything is fine. You hurt my feelings! You went behind my back anddid this thing and made me feel like a damn fool.”

“Not everythingis about you.” He felt his anger dissolving at her outburst andthe expression on her lovely face. He knew he had hurt her bymarrying without her understanding of it, and it does not matter whyhe did it.

But that he had. “Youhad her sign a contract that prevented her from marrying for twoyears. I was not prepared to wait that long.”

“And you couldnot have come to me?”

“No,” Hesaid wearily. “You would not have approved. You are a snob,mother, as much as you would like to think otherwise.

You had someone youthought would be a suitable match already picked out, and if thatperson did not work, you would have chosen someone else from oursociety. It did not matter to you that I preferred to choose mybride.”

“I am not asnob.” She muttered, walking over to sit back down. “Ijust want what’s best for you.”

“And Madison iswhat’s best for me. I love her.” He walked over to thewindow to bleakly look out at the gray clouds. “Now she ispregnant, and I am scared out of my wits.”

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