Page 63 of Brennan
“It’sfine, darling.” Walking into the room, he sat on the edge ofthe bed, facing Ilene. “Blame it on me. I rushed her into themarriage.”
“And he did nothold a gun to my head.” Madison reached for his hand. “Ilove him, Auntie, and was not about to let anything stop me frombeing his wife.”
“There are waysto do things. Marriage is an important step and one that should bethought out carefully. I am her only relative and would have lovedbeing there for her at that important time in her life.”
“I promise wewill have another ceremony as soon as possible. My wife will get towear white if she wants to, and it will be inside a chapel.”
Ilene nodded as shestared at him. “You certainly are a beautiful young man. Pleasemake certain you are true to my Maddie.”
Chapter 13
“I acquired theservices of an interior designer, and it costs a little extra, butthe team was able to finish the work in time for your discharge.”
“Aunt Ilenewants me to come home-’
“Reporters arecamped outside your former home, waiting to hear the whole story. Andbesides, that place is no longer your home. You are my wife, and it’stime we lived together as husband and wife.”
“She wantedme there so she could take care of me.”
“I havetaken time off from work to do that.”
“End ofdiscussion, darling,” He told her firmly. “If your auntwants to come and stay for a few days, then she is free to do so.”
“She is notgoing to leave the house unoccupied.”
“She cancall and come and visit whenever she likes. What do you think?”He opened the doors to the apartment they had spent the night beforehe went on his trip.
“I wanted yourinput on the design but did not want to bother you while you wererecuperating.”
Stepping into theexpansive foyer, she walked along the hallway and into the livingroom. Whereas there had been just the fireplace and a sofa, it wasnow decorated in a soft teal blue with bronze furnishings and severaldiscreetly expensive artworks on the walls. A fire was blazing,sending a soft glow around the room.
“Four suites intotal and a room and bathroom downstairs. I was thinking that couldbe used when hiring a nanny.”
“Is that so?”She turned to face him. “And have you decided on what I will bedoing with the rest of my life as well?”
He stared at her witha frown. “Are you upset with me about something?”
“I don’tknow Brennan.” She threw her hands in the air. “You havetaken over my life and not asked my opinion. Your mother has not oneday called to ask how I am doing. What does that mean? I am assumingthat I no longer have a job, of course. Where does that leave me? Isshe going to sic her lawyers on me for breach of contract?”
“I will dealwith Mother.”
“Like you aredealing with me?”
“You are goingthrough a lot, and the pregnancy-”
“Don’tyou dare!” She shouted. “If the next word that comes outof your mouth is hormones, I am going to smash that very expensiveover your head. Is that clear?”
“Ascrystal.” His body had stiffened, his eyes darkened as hestared at her.
“I am in lovewith you. For the first time in my damn life, I am in love, head overheels, irrevocably in love.
My past is dark ashell, and for that reason, I stayed away from that emotion because Iwas afraid it would bring out the monster in me. I was severalthousand miles away from you when I received the news that you werehurt, and if I could fly, I would have sprouted wings just to be atyour side.