Page 61 of Brennan
“I am entitled;my wife was assaulted and shot.”
“That was a lowblow.”
“It was meantto be. I will be back later, darling. Have I told you that I loveyou?”
“You hadbetter. I am not only married but knocked up as well. I am not doingthis by myself.”
“No need,”He said with a laugh as he kissed her again.
She watched as hewalked out of the room.
Kyle came in justthen, wearing his white lab coat and a pair of sets wrapped aroundhis neck.
“Coming tocheck on me?”
“Yep.’Sitting on the side of the bed, he checked her vitals.
“You lookespecially hot in that lab coat.”
“Careful, youare not only married, you also have a bun in the oven.”
“Is that themedical term for it?”
“Absolutely.”Taking her hand, he squeezed it slightly. “How are you?”
“Worriedand pissed.”
“Brennan istrying to avoid talking about Elizabeth, but he has not called herback, and she has not called me either.”
“And you areworried that it’s not a good sign.”
“I am.”She moved restlessly. “Did you call Aunt Ilene?”
“I did andexplained everything to her.”
“Did you alsotell her that I am married?”
“I am leavingthat up to you.”
“What have Idone, Kyle?” She asked listlessly.
“You went witha decision. You are married for better or worse, and now it’snot just the two of you; there will be a third.”
“We nevertalked about having a baby.”
“And when youare making all that passionate lovemaking, did it occur to you to useanything?”
“There areconsequences-”
“Oh, just shutup.”
“Love you too.”Bending his head, he kissed her cheek.