Page 6 of Brennan
Picking up his wineglass, she took a bracing sip. "He was charming and Irish-"She added as if that explained everything. "I come from an oldfamily who came to the US over one hundred years ago. Handsome andarticulate and very persuasive." She smiled slightly.
"He charmed myfamily and me; my parents wanted a good match. The family was fromold money, and they needed the image. I was not against it, ofcourse. But when I saw the signs after we got engaged, I told myselfthat after we were married, things would be different."
"And it wasn't."Brennan took a sip of his wine and then another.
"Far from it. Hebecame worse after he placed that ring on my finger. When Idiscovered that I was pregnant, I was apprehensive, of course.
To bring a child- aninnocent baby into this farce of a marriage had me thinking. And thena miracle happened. You started growing inside me, and I fell inlove." Reaching across the table, she took his hand in hers."Your father realized how I felt and used that to keep in line.
So, I stayed in linebecause of my love for you, darling. I am saying this: I was underextreme bondage when he was alive and felt a powerful sense offreedom when he died.
Allan is an excellentlover who does not ask questions and certainly does not expectanything much from me. He knows where I stand."
"And he does notwant marriage?"
Her laughter,vibrant, sounded around the room. "Darling, you know better thanthat. The only one getting married in this room will be you, andspeaking of marriage, Ina Pendergast-"
"You are notchanging the subject. You are one of the wealthiest women in thecountry."
"And one of thesmartest." She reminded him dryly, her eyes trained on him. "Youknow me, darling. I am in this relationship, if you could call itthat because I am still a sexual being-"
"Please."He held up a hand, a pained look on his handsome face. "There isso much I can take and no more. I did not come back here after solong to listen to my mother's sexual exploits."
Elizabeth smiled athim. "For such a playboy, you are such a prude."
"My playboyimage has been highly exaggerated," He muttered.
"Oh, darling! Itis so good to have you home. We are going to do so well together.What is this nonsense about you staying in one of our apartments?"She demanded.
"I need myspace."
"You will havelots of space right here. This house is too big for one person. Youhave your suite leading from the back terrace, which gives youabsolute privacy."
"I do not kikethe idea of the maids picking up after me and being in my space."
"You are a verywealthy man; as far as I know, you don't know how to be domestic."
"I took a cordonBleu course while I was in France."
"Oh, so youlearned how to cook - what? Coq au vin?"
"A well asLegumes farcais a la provencale." He said in a perfect Frenchaccent.
"Show off,"She muttered with a smile.
"I do my best,"He responded with an artless smile.
Being in his suiteafter his stay in Europe was very strange. It still looked the same -the king-sized custom-made bed with the intricate carvings on thestout pillars and headboards and the matching designs on the armoire,the dresser, and the treasure chest at the foot of the bed.
He changed thingsaround when he turned sixteen and again after college. He had beengiven carte blanche, and he had chosen carefully. The closet waslarge enough to hold several furnishings. He had sent his clothingover a week before he left Italy.
He had included aliquor cabinet, more like a bar. Taking off his shoes, he walked overand touched the button. He was happy to be home, of course. Seeinghis mother was wonderful. Elizabeth Connelly was never getting oldand was the same formidable force she had become since his father'sdeath.
He admired her forher ability to run the company against the odds and make it even morethan it had been before. She had been through so much, living with aman like Bart Connelly for all those years; Brennen could not imaginehow difficult it would be for her to go about her life as usual.
Taking the drink, hewent to sit on the comfortable sofa. Leaning back against thecushions, he propped his right ankle over his knee and sipped thedrink. He did not relish the memories rushing through his head: thatand the conversation at the dinner table.