Page 55 of Brennan
“I am justworried.”
“No need. Did Itell you that I was on the kickboxing team in college and have beendoing strength training with Kyle since puberty? I can take care ofmyself.” She poured the water into the pouch and added honey tothe mix.
“I never knewthat.”
“We arestill getting to know each other.” She reminded him. “Howis it going?”
“It’sdragging out.” The frustration was rife in his tone. “Toomany voices and not enough proof. I am still trying to assemble thepieces and dying to come home to my beautiful wife.”
“You hadbetter. Today, I had a visitor who told me I am beautiful.”
“Who was thisvisitor?” He growled.
“Ah, theesteemed lawyer. Was he hitting on you?”
“He surewas. Come home darling, I miss you.”
“I am doing mybest, and darling? Stay away from Maitland, or I will break hisface.”
She laughed. “Ilove it when you behave all macho.”
“I am beingreal. I mean it.”
“You know Ionly have eyes for you. Oh, Brennan-” She sighed. “Ithought work would do it for me, but at odd times of the day, I findmyself thinking about you and longing to feel your arms around me.”
“It’s thesame thing for me,” He told her softly. “I swear that Iwill make it for the weekend.”
“You hadbetter.”
“Was that athreat?”
“It was.Come home to me.”
“I will. It’slate, and I have to be up early in the morning. How are you?”
“Fine, and I amkeeping busy. I love you.”
“Love you back.We are going to talk about those hidden talents of yours.”
Madison smiled. “Iam sure we are.”
It was late, but itwas Friday night, and her husband should be coming home tomorrow. Sherequested a particular music when she saw someone or something jumpout in front of her vehicle. Cutting off a scream, she jammed on thebrake, heart thudding inside her chest. “Oh God.”
Taking a deep breath,she disengaged the lock and opened the door cautiously. She knew thedangers and had heard stories of lone women who were prey, and shedid not intend to be one. Taking the pepper spray from herpocketbook, she got out and went to the front of the car.
She was in anisolated area that led to her neighborhood, and the location was notwell-lit. She saw him lying on the ground right in front of her. “Oh,dear Lord. Sir, are you okay?”
Bending down, shetouched his shoulder, and that was when she felt another presencebehind her.
“Don’ttry anything bitch.” He cackled. “Why don’t you getup slowly? We are going to have some fun.”
She did as he asked,her heart hammering inside her chest, her knees going weak.
“Please don’tdo this.” She backed up against the car.