Page 53 of Brennan
The lovemaking tookon a note of feverish intensity that soon spiraled them along itswake. He was leaving in a few minutes and felt as if he was sayinggoodbye to her. To his wife, his soulmate.
For some reason, hefelt fear grabbing his throat - as if he knew that something wasabout to happen, and he could not stop it. He wanted to brand her,put his stamp on her. Dragging his lips from hers, he timed itperfectly. As soon as she erupted, he sank his teeth into her throat.
The climax, which hadbegun as a powerful thrust, took on a frenzied life. Madison felt asif she was being lifted and transported to another plane. He camethen, his body driving into hers as he poured himself into her.
His lips claimedhers, moving over hers, tongue tangling as he swallowed her cries.His body shuddered, and he felt as if he would not stop, could notcontrol his reactions, the emotions tumbling around inside him.
“I have to go.”He whispered a few minutes later. He was still intimately joined toher, heart hammering inside his chest.
“I know.”She clung to him, trying to tamp down the feeling of desolation.
“I will call assoon as I land, I promise.” he did not want to leave her - thefeeling of helplessness taking over.
“I will befine. We will be fine. I am kept busy, remember?”
Lifting his head, hegazed at her, eyes wandering over her features as if committing themto memory. “You will be careful when going home?”
“And callme as soon as you get there.”
“Yes, mother.”She said teasingly, trying to lighten the mood.
“I am serious,darling.”
“I know.”She touched his cheek lightly. “Should I be concerned that youare returning to your old stomping ground?”
“I am a marriedman, remember?”
“No one knowsthat.”
“I do, andthat’s what counts.”
“Never.”He kissed her hungrily. “I will try and wrap things up as soonas possible.”
“The days willfly by so quickly that we will be amazed that you are back.”
“I certainlyhope so.”
Madison felt a joltof surprise at the man reclining on the edge of her desk.
“Can I helpyou?”
Uncoiling himself, hegrinned at her charmingly. “Jeremy Maitland at your service. Mymother is-”
“Millicent.”She came further into the room, a frown touching her brow. He wasvery attractive in a boyish kind of way, and he knew it. “Idon’t understand what you are doing here.”
“I was in theneighborhood, so to speak.” Stepping aside, he allowed her toget behind her desk. “I am a lawyer-”
“I am sure youare. How may I help you? I have a lot to do.”
“Beautiful andfeisty. I like it.”