Page 49 of Brennan
“For less thana week - I will do everything I can to make it less.” There wasa tense expression on his face.
“First thing inthe morning. I have been in charge of the European side of things foralmost a year and am familiar with the people. I am also fluent inFrench and Italian, which makes it even better.”
“You aremultilingual. Why am I not surprised?” She asked whimsically.“Well, I guess I am just going to have to live with the factthat my husband happens to be the vice president of a billion-dollarindustry, including traveling.”
“I wish youcould accompany me.”
“But I can’t,and it’s fine. We will text and call and have some lovely andexplosive phone sex.”
He smiled at hervaliant effort to put a positive spin on the situation.
“Is that so?”
“Hmm.Hopefully, I will get off early for a change, and we will havedinner-”
“I promised tohave dinner with Mother.”
“Oh. Isee.” She struggled to keep the disappointment off her face.“Well, after dinner, then.”
“I had topromise dinner to get away so I could spend a little time withyou.”
“But I amworking.” She pointed out and had to force herself not to snapat him.
“Yes. Butsurely you can take several more minutes-”
“I amswamped.”
“Take a fewminutes.” His face was stamped with determination, and she wasbeginning to be aware of how stubborn he could be. ‘we bothneed it.”
“This soundslike I will not be seeing you tonight.”
“Not a chance.I have to be with you tonight, no matter what I have to do.”
“So thereyou are; we will spend the night together, and then you leave thenext morning.”
Drawing her into hisarms, he tilted her chin up. “Let’s not fight, please.”
“You areright.” Wrapping her hands around his neck, she leaned in forthe kiss. “But right now, I have enough work to keep me chainedto that desk for a month, and I need to get some things out of theway if I am going to leave here at a reasonable time to be withyou.”
“You areright.” Pulling her into his arms, he kissed her roughly,holding on to her, reluctant to let her go.
“I am making anote of it, Mrs. Grayson.” Madison scribbled on her padfuriously, ignoring the call coming in. “Of course, we canarrange that. It’s commendable, and Mrs. Connelly and the otherladies of the organization will be very pleased.
I have a call comingin - yes, I will tell her. Thanks.” Switching the call over,she answered. “Sorry to keep you, this is Madison-”
“I havebeen calling for the past two minutes.” The cultured voicesounded upset.
“I apologize,Mrs. Connelly; I was talking to Mrs. Grayson.” She revealed thecontents of the conversation, hoping to appease her employer.
“ I have anearly dinner with my son as he has to be off early in the morning.”
“You are sayingthat I can leave early today?” She held her breath as shewaited for the response.
“Yes, Ms. Hunt,I need to spend some time with my son before he has to fly out firstthing in the morning. I am stuck at the office for the rest of theday. Put the files and the reports on my desk as soon as you finishthem. And Ms. Hunt?”