Page 38 of Brennan
She gave him afrustrated look as she put away her cup. “Do you think that’sresponsible of us?”
“Perhaps not,but I have no intention of putting anything between us. I have tofeel you.”
“And gettingpregnant while we have to hide who we are or what we are to eachother is such a wonderful idea.”
“I don’tgive a damn.”
“I do.”
“It’s amoot point anyway. You might already be carrying my child,” Hesaid with a carelessness that grated on her already raw nerves.
“That’sthe thing, you won’t be the one carrying it.”
“Your point?”He asked with an arrogant tilt of his brows.
“My point is -I do not want to introduce a child into an already uncertainsituation.”
“Uncertain?”His deep voice was dangerously soft.
“Perhapsuncertain is not the right word. It's more like an explosive. I haveto work-”
“That’sthe thing, though, you are married to a wealthy man; you do not needmoney.”
Her eyes flashed. “Iwill not quit my job so you can support me. And you damn well knowthat I cannot just leave. I signed a contract.”
“Which can bebroken.”
“Is that whatyou want me to do? Just up and leave?”
“It might be agood idea.”
“Let me guess:I'll stay around and be your arm candy. No thanks.”
His mouth tightened.Taking up his mug, he sipped coffee and eyed her over the rim. “Youwould play the part of my wife and be supportive.”
“Like yourmother did for your dad?”
His eyes smoldered,and she realized she had gone too far.
“You arecomparing me to him.”
“No.” Sheblew out a breath. “Of course not. Look, Brennen, I am not thatkind of person. I am not going to sit around and depend on you-”
“I am yourdamned husband, not some stranger,” He growled.
“And you mustunderstand that I am accustomed to caring for myself. I have myaunt’s medical bills-”
“I will takecare of them.” He cut in carelessly.
“I appreciatethe gesture but cannot let you do that. I did not marry you for yourmoney. Not to mention that as soon as this comes out, that’sthe first thing your contingent of lawyers and your mother will lookinto.”
“As yourhusband, I must take care of you, and I intend to do my part,starting with a joint account.”
“Are youplanning on using an obscure bank?” She asked in frustration.“As soon as you open that account, there will be a red flag,and your accounts department will be alerted, and then your mother.You cannot do that.”
He stared at her fora minute before lowering the cup. “Then I am transferring somemoney into your account. I have money of my own; a trust fund set upwhen I was a child and one that has nothing to do with thecompany.”
“I will acceptgifts from you.” She leaned forward. “You already boughtme expensive clothing and some jewelry, and I have not said anything.Transferring money into my account will raise questions-”