Page 36 of Brennan
“I don’twant pure because I am not.” Her hands lifted to frame hisface. “I want a man who will be there for me, no matter what. Inever counted on being with someone like you. I decided toconcentrate on my career, and then you came along.”
“Is that regretI hear?” He asked softly.
“If it is, youneed to get your ears cleaned.” She countered. “I am inlove with you, Brennen; God help me. And I am afraid that this willnot last.
That we are sodifferent that there will be problems. And I am afraid of theconsequences of our actions. We got married without our familymembers knowing anything. We started our journey in subterfuge, and Ithink nothing good will come of it.”
“I refuse tobelieve that.” His hands gripped her wrists, eyes intense. “AndI am going to end this conversation right now. We are on ourhoneymoon, and I want to make love to you.”
“You thinkthat’s the answer to everything?”
“Right now, itis.” Letting go of her, he rose to remove his robe and climbedbeside her. “I don’t want to talk - I want to feelyou.”
And he did. He didnot give them a moment of rest for the next few hours as he used hishands and mouth to speak for him.
He woke the followingday to an empty spot next to him. For a minute, he thought he haddreamt the entire thing. He was getting married in the courthouse andmaking love to his wife all night.
But the scratches onhis chest and back were proof of the intense lovemaking. Swinging hislegs off the bed, he went into the bathroom to see her pantieshanging from the pole and the scent of the body wash still lingeringin the air.
A smile touched hisface as he stared at the domestic scene. She was messy, he thought,staring at the droplets of water on the counter. He was supposed tobe the careless one; he mused as he picked up the damp towel from thefloor and draped it over a hook protruding from the wall.
Stepping into theshower, he took a quick wash off and went into the bedroom to put onsweats and a light sweater.
He did not bother tocomb his hair; that was how eager he was to see her the morningafter. He was lifting his hand to scrub his jaw when the light fromthe sun filtering through the shades caught the gleam of his ring andhad him staring at it. His wedding ring is a token of their love anddevotion.
A sign that he wastaken. He would not be able to wear it when they went back home - hewould have to take it off, and the thought of that had despairchurning inside his gut.
A sense ofpremonition and doom settled over him, telling him that there werebound to be repercussions once he took the ring off. He would simplytransfer it to his left hand, and if questions were asked, he wouldfield it by being evasive.
He had a right towear whatever he wanted without anyone giving him the third degree.Rubbing a finger over the smooth finish, he stood there for a minute,staring at nothing. He would enjoy today. I was going to insist theyeat and return to bed.
They would haveto leave sometime in the afternoon, and he would insist they spendthe night at her place. So be it if he had to sneak in later when heraunt was asleep. Sacrifices would have to be made, and he wasprepared to make them as long as he was with her.
With that in mind, heleft the room and headed downstairs.
She was hummingbeneath her breath as she set the table, and he just stood there, asmile wreathing his face as he stared at the beautiful scene. She waswearing black leggings and a bulky baby blue sweater. Her curls werepiled in an untidy heap on top of her head. The scent of coffeepermeated the air, and the bacon sizzled on the stovetop.
“I could getused to this.”
He saw when shejolted at his voice and turned to face him. Her face was scrubbedclean, and she was not wearing a stitch of makeup.
“I thought wecould have breakfast here.”
“Come here,darling.” His hands were folded over his chest as he leaned ashoulder against the doorjamb.
Madison’s heartdid a slow somersault at the look of him. The sweater molded hischest and shoulders, outlining the contours of his muscles. And asusual, a lock of hair was falling over his forehead. He wasdangerously and lethally beautiful, and she could feel her heartaching.
“You should behungry.”
“I amstarving.” His green eyes were hooded, letting her know he wasnot discussing food.
“Come here.”
She went to him andwalked into his arms.
“You smell likecinnamon.” She whispered into his chest.