Page 33 of Brennan
“I am beginningto ask myself that very question. Darling, I am-” His voicepetered off when she opened the door and stood framed inside thedoorway.
The flimsy materialwas made of lace so delicate that it looked like fairies had spun it.It was the color of shimmering green and so transparent it was as ifshe was naked. He could see everything.
“What do youthink?” She asked huskily.
“Why don’tyou come here and let me show you.”
“So you likeit.”
“I would likeit better if it was not on you. Come here,” He demandedhoarsely. She obliged him by moving towards the bed, her hips swayingseductively beneath the material.
Her breasts, smalland pert, caught his attention, the nipples already rigid. Reaching ahand, he helped her onto the bed next to him. “You arebeautiful, and you are mine.”
“Are you goingto be this possessive all the time?”
“Watch me.”He slid the thin straps off her shoulders, his fingers trailing overher skin. “I intend to spend the rest of the night showing howpossessive I am.” She shivered when he eased the material offher breasts and pulled it downward. “And show you how much Ilove every inch of your delectable body.”
“I can livewith that.”
“I know youcan.” Getting rid of the flimsy garment, he concentrated onexamining her body.
“You have amole right here.” He touched the tiny black mark near her leftbreast. “A flaw, and here I thought you were perfect.”
“I guess youare going to have to divorce me.” Her body was slowly heatingup like someone had lit a spark and was fanning the flame.
“I can livewith it.” He repeated her words. “You are so tiny. Idon’t want anything or anyone to hurt you.”
“Are you goingto continue doing just that?”
His head lifted, andhis storm-green eyes met hers. “I love your body and think itis the most beautiful I have ever seen.”
“And you haveseen your fair share.”
“I have, yes.”He touched her indented navel, his finger following the shape.Bending his head, he kissed her cheek and then her chin beforetrailing his lips down her neck and throat. Meanwhile, his fingerswere busy touching her stomach and venturing down to her sex.
“Brennan-”Her voice hitched into her throat, the heat spreading throughoutevery part of her body. He toyed with the nipple, tongue stroking theskin. His finger trailed lightly over the highly sensitive bud, madeeven more so by the passion swirling like a tidal wave inside herbody.
He started suckling,the sweet taste of her filling his nostrils and his senses andoverwhelming him with a need so intense he could barely stand it.This was his wife; this exquisite beauty writhing beneath him inresponse was his, and it was something he could scarcely fathom.
Slipping his fingersslowly into her, he felt his body jerk at the moistness thatindicated how ready she was for him. He feasted on her nipple and didnot want to stop. For the first time in his life, he was not usingfinesse.
Everything he hadlearned since his tender years had gone out the window, and he wasjust feeling. That was all he was doing, feeling! The emotions wererunning a gamut inside him with overwhelming force.
He could feel herbody undulating, moving towards his fingers as he drove into her. Hewould not use anything, hoping she would not ask. He did not wantanything between them, nothing except her flesh against his.
Lifting his head, hestared into eyes gone, liquid dark, generous lips parted as shepanted. Moving on top of her, he guided himself into her, closing hiseyes as her tightness gripped him. Bending his head, he brushed herlips, trying to regain some of the control that had slipped away likea puff of smoke.
Madison wrapped herhands around his neck, her fingers toying with the fringes of hishair at the nape. She sought his mouth and moved restlessly when hestayed there, waiting for a sign. It felt so wonderful, these headysensations clamoring through her body.
He swallowed hercries deep inside his throat when the orgasm swamped her and floodedher until she felt as if she was flying. He felt when her bodytrembled, the muscles of her vagina closing around him, pulling himin until he was lost inside her.
He did not bother tofight the crashing climax as if he could anyway! The climax was sopowerful and intense that he had to drag his lips from hers, hishands gripping her hips as he drove into her and emptied himself.
Gathering hisstrength, he rolled off her and pulled her into his arms, his heartstill pounding wildly inside his chest.
Madison curled intohim, breathing in his scent, her body flushed from the heat of thelovemaking.
“Want somechampagne?” He asked when he found his breath.