Page 21 of Brennan
He had stopped tryingto analyze what this was between them. In the past, he had neverbelieved or given credence to love at first sight. But now that ithad happened to him, he had to reassess his thinking.
There was no doubt inhis mind that he was in love with her. He had been with enough womento realize that this was not simply an attraction, a physical need.It went beyond her. He was sick without her.
The need for her waslike a fever raging inside his hapless body, and he could not stopit. He needed her. He would not be satisfied with seeing her now andthen, and right now, he was cursing his mother’s tendency towant to control everything and everyone around her.
But even if thereweren’t a contract, Elizabeth Connelly would never agree to amarriage between him and a girl working for her.
His mother loved him,and of that, he had no doubt. But she was a snob. She had beenbrought up in an old, established family and would expect her son tomake a very suitable match. She would never sit back and allow him tomarry someone like Madison.
He rose and went toget his phone. It was late, but he did not give a damn. He had tohear her voice, or he would not get a moment of sleep.
She answered onthe second ring, and he sighed in relief.
“Why are youcalling me?”
Smiling, he walkedover to the fireplace. “Hello to you, too.”
“Brennan, Ihave work in the morning-”
“I just neededto hear your voice. Is there something wrong with that?”
“I amasking you to give me some space.”
“Which isnot going to happen. You said I should not be here in the morningwhen you arrive, and I will respect that. Do you know what my motheris planning?
That dinner party youare supposed to be arranging? It’s for a family that has beenfriends with my family for years. Their daughter and I grew uptogether, and there was always this understanding that Janice and Iwould end up together.”
There was silence onher end, and he waited.
“That does notconcern me.”
“Like hell, itdoesn’t.” He snapped. “It never bothered me before,but since I met you, I knew I could not meekly allow my mother to mapout my life for me. I need you, Madison, and nothing will stop me; Iwill not change my mind.”
“Except yourmother. I am not the kind of girl she wants for her only son.”
“I don’tcare.”
“You should. Ineed to get some sleep.”
“I love you.”He smiled as the silence stretched out. “I am ridiculously inlove with you, darling, and it might scare you, or you might thinkthis is crazy, but that’s how I feel.”
“Please don’tdo this to me.” She whispered.
“You feel it,too.”
“I don’t-”
“And I willwait for you to say it. Goodnight, my love. Dream of me.” Hehung up before she could say anything. Putting away the phone, hewandered over to the bed and imagined her waiting for him there. Hecould visualize her propped up against the pillows, her curls spreadout, waiting for his fingers to toy with the ends.
A smile would be onher lips as she pushed back the coverlet for him to climb in next toher. He would pull her into his arms as they talked about their day,and they would laugh and cuddle until he lifted her on top of him andwhispered how much he loved her. She would say it back to him as shepressed her slender body against his.
Sitting on the edgeof the bed, he felt the bead of moisture on his forehead and theheaviness of his erection between his thighs. There was no way he wasgetting any sleep tonight.
“I was in themiddle of a meeting with Japan.” Allan’s body was coatedwith sweat, his heart still beating unsteadily. He had droppedeverything even though he told himself he would not come running. Assoon as he entered her bedroom, he was consumed by her.
“Did you manageto conclude?”