Page 13 of Brennan
"You will nothave to come in early in the morning. I have a breakfast meeting-"
"I do not mindin the least."
Elizabeth studied herfor a few seconds before turning to leave the room.
Walking over to thedesk, Madison sat on the edge of it and took a breath. The day hadwhizzed by swiftly, and she had adapted.
The files were up todate, and she had gone through the numerous phone calls and canceledwhat needed to be balanced. Now she just had the report to finalize.Her thought ended abruptly when the door was pushed open, and he camein.
"I saw Mother asshe was leaving, and she told me you were still here." Heglanced at his watch. "It's after eight."
"I havesomething to finish up. Can I help you with something?"
"As a matter offact."
"What is it?"
"This."Striding across the room, he pulled her up and into his arms. Shecould have resisted, of course; the sensible thing would have been topush him away and slap his face or be firm about not wanting him tokiss her.
But she was not goingto fool herself. Something had started since this morning, at theirfirst meeting, and had inevitably come to this. Her fingers curledinto his jacket as she lifted her face for the invasion of his mouth.
He did notdisappoint. Cupping her face, he bent his head and savored her breathbefore touching his lips to hers. He was prepared for the heat butgot the fire instead. A raging inferno swept over them, envelopingthem in flames.
He had stayed awayfrom the house, trying to understand this insane need to be with her.But after a while, he could not manage to be apart from her. He hadheard about love at first sight, but this was ridiculous and strange.
Now, it wasconfirmed. Using his tongue to part the seams of her lips, hedeepened the kiss and felt her slender body shuddering against his.
It did not matterthat he had not locked the doors; none of the servants would dare toenter if they knew he was inside the room. His mother, on the otherhand... But he was not thinking about her, could not think aboutanything but the woman in his arms.
Madison felt theswift punch of desire raging through her body. All rational thinkinghad deserted her, and the only thing she could do was feel. His long,lean body molded against hers, his mouth on hers, tongue tanglingwith hers. His desire was pressing against her middle, branding herlike a red-hot poker.
His hands drifted toher neck, and then he pulled pins from her curls to wrap his fingersthrough the strands. Lifting her against him, he pressed her bodyinto his as if he could absorb her, and that was how he felt, what hefelt like doing.
He did not want tolet her go; this intense passion raging through his body frightenedhim and had his heart pounding inside his chest.
Ending the kiss, heheld her tight, arms like steel bands around her tiny waist.
"Let me go."She whispered; the horror and significance of what she had just donehit her forcefully.
"No," Hewhispered back. "Come upstairs with me. Let me love you."
"You must bemad."
"I must be."Lifting his head, he stared at her, heart taking a quick deep dive.Her hair was streaming down her shoulders, and her lips were swollen."I need you in my bed."
"As one of yourconquests."
"no." Heallowed her to slide down his body and heard her gasp when she feltthe evidence of his arousal. "Let me show you."
"Please let goof me. I have work to do."
“I can’t,”He told her with a wry smile. “I want to make love to you, anddo not think it our first time to be in the office where you workwith my mother.”
The mention of thewoman who hired her was enough to douse the raging desire she wasfeeling. Finding the strength to resist him, she pushed until he wasforced to let her go. “This is not happening.”
Skirting around thedesk, she stood there, praying he would leave. What the hell was shethinking? He was the boss’s son, and there was no way- nomatter how she felt, she could not afford to get involved; that wouldbe insane and a sure way to lose her job. One that she needed.
“You areafraid.”