Page 10 of Brennan
Madison felt herbreath backing up inside her throat as she stared at the tall,golden-haired man striding into the room.
"This is MadisonHunt. My son Brennan."
As if noticing herfor the first time, Brennan turned to look at her and found himselfrooted to the spot. She was exquisite, he thought dazedly, taking inthe flawless complexion and the smooth lines of her cheeks.
"A pleasure tomeet you." Forcing himself to shake away the emotions that hadstormed so unexpectedly through his body, he offered her a slight nodbefore turning to his mother.
"Is thereanything I should know before leaving?"
"I am going tobe there sometime today. Your office is already set up, and myassistant is on loan until you have chosen one for yourself. The newfoundation is taking a beating in the press due to the so-called rashthat develops when it is used."
"Are we pullingit off the market?"
"We willresearch first and then go on from there." She smiled at herson. "It's wonderful to have you back, darling."
"Likewise. Iwill see you when you get there."
"I have severalstops to make before I get there."
With a nod, he turnedto leave, eyes on the woman seated around the desk. Their eyes metand held for a second, but that was enough to have the heat andawareness simmering between them. She was the first to break thecontact by picking up a file in front of her. "Ms. Hunt."
"Mr. Connelly,"Madison responded in a calm tone before going back to the file. Shedid not draw a steady breath until he left the room.
"Women find myson irresistible."
Steeling herself todon a neutral response, she turned to look at the woman and found herwatching her steadily.
"I am sure theydo. Would you like me to start making these calls?"
"That's a goodplace to start. Ms. Hunt? I expect you to use your initiative."
"Of course."
For the better partof the morning, she was swamped with work. Between making numerouscalls regarding the various charities and organizing Elizabeth'ssocial calendar, she could barely rush to the bathroom to relieveherself.
A sigh of reliefescaped her when the woman told her she had to attend a meeting at atrendy restaurant. "Call the office and tell my son that I amrunning a little late and he should start the meeting without me."
Pushing herself fromthe desk, she slipped into the shoes she had kicked off and cametowards Madison. "This is his number. I will be out most of theday, but I am sure you have enough to occupy your time.
The chef isinstructed to include you in the lunch preparation, and a maid willbring in a tray for you. I do not usually stop to eat lunch, but youare allowed half an hour."
"Thank you. Iusually eat at my desk-"
"No." Thewoman shook her head firmly. "I do not want food getting on thedocuments. There is a table beside the fireplace; you can eat there."With that, she left the room, giving Madison time to exhale.
The woman was adynamo and had kept her busy since she got here, not that she minded.She loved what she was doing and was fascinated by the differentorganizations Elizabeth Connelly was involved in. She was justreaching for the phone when it rang.
"Elizabeth'soffice. Madison speaking."
There was silence onthe other end before the person spoke. "Ms. Hunt, this isBrennan-"
"Oh, Mr.Connelly, I was about to call you. Your mother said to inform youthat she will be a little late."
"Thank you."The silence again. "How are you adjusting?"
"Quite well.Thanks for asking."
"Have we metbefore?"