Page 9 of Cross My Heart
He cracks a grin. “I vaguely remember you liking what I did to you.”
“Ew,” I say. “I’ve gone hearing blind. Please don’t reference your sex life in front of me.” I make a gagging face as they give each other a loving peck on the lips.
Roman laughs—still too busy stealing bacon to read my mind—and Ledger gives me a knowing once over. Shit. Roman probably already told him what’s going on. Or maybe it’s some telepathic twin phenomenon. Must be nice to connect with Roman telepathically. Either way, the subtle shift in Ledger’s demeanor, the way he’s now studying Roman, makes me more nervous.
I send another telepathic message to Roman with a hard gaze, alerting him that my plan won’t work and it’s time to abort the mission. He stares back at me for a beat, but once again fails at reading my mind.
“You ready for your announcement?” is what he says. “You seem like you’re ready.”
“Yeah,” Dev says, “stop making us wait.”
This is too stressful, and we’re not actually dating, so I decide to just spill the tea. “Roman and I are going to pretend to date so I can get the Delgado case.”
Chloe’s brows shoot to her hairline and Dev looks like he’s having a painful contraction.
“The firm doesn’t want any speculation rising between Bane Delgado and Greer,” Roman adds. “Because if there’s one thing I’ve learned about the press is they love making up rumors. Bane’s engaged, but it doesn’t even matter. They’ll stop at nothing to make Bane and Greer out to something they’re not. Just to make Bane look worse than he already is.”
“Makes sense,” Ledger says, his piercing brown eyes focusing on his brother.
I’ve kind of always suspected Ledger knows about my crush on his brother, but he’s never led onto it. I’d probably die if he ever said something.
“It does make sense.” I take control of the conversation. “The firm monitors social media for things relevant to cases and two podcasters won’t stop gossiping about me. The partners think someone less single would draw less attention. So, I need to show them I’m in love.”
“But do you even know what love is?” Dev asks.
I toss a grape from the charcuterie board at him. “Yes, I know what love is.” I want to tell him I’ve been in love with his best friend for forever, but I’m taking that secret to the grave.
“I think it’s smart.” Chloe pops a cracker into her mouth. “They always say putting on a defense case is like a smoke and mirrors show. Get them focused on something. That way, you can sneak in the facts and win the case.”
“Exactly,” I say, my eyes meeting Roman’s for a split second.
“Obviously, we’ll go out on a few dates.” Roman steps next to me, placing his hand on the small of my back. It sends shivers racing down my spine, and I nearly jump at the contact.
“You should go to the club,” Chloe says before popping another cracker into her mouth. “I know for a fact a few of the partners are members there. That way they’d see you there. Know it’s legit.”
“The club?” My eyes go wide. She can’t possibly be talking about my brother’s adult sex club. “Greed?”
Chloe nods. “Obviously, I can’t disclose member names because of privacy issues, but it might surprise you who would see you there. And who they might tell.”
Roman jumps in. “I don’t think it’s Greer’s scene.”
Unease settles within me. Is there an expectation for a woman dating Roman to be kinky? I’m so not kinky. Doubts trickle in whether this will work. We’re complete opposites. He's quite popular with the ladies, so will anyone believe he’s settled down with me?
“Agreed,” Ledger says. “That’s not the best place for Greer.”
Now I feel like the unicorn in the room. I want Roman to see me as an adventurous, experienced woman, not the innocent—prudish—little sister of his best friend. So I blurt out, “I’d go.” My face heats at the thought of going to Club Greed under the guise of Roman’s significant other. “If it helps the cause, I’m down for it.”
“No,” Roman says with conviction.
“We can discuss it later,” I say. Because what is this attitude he’s giving at the mention of the club?
“No,” he says. “I’d rather take you to places where we can wine and dine.”
“Aw, you’re having your first fight as a couple,” Chloe teases.
The timer for the biscuits dings and I move away, dropping the topic. Clearly Roman has no interest in being seen with me at a place he’s frequented. I jerk the oven door open, annoyed by my thoughts of him hooking up with other women at the club. That’s probably why he doesn’t want to go there with me.
While Devereaux tells Roman where he’s not allowed to touch me, I butter my biscuits, becoming more annoyed with each stroke of the brush.