Page 6 of Cross My Heart
Their eyes go wide as I drop the name. Everyone in this town knows the infamous billionaire, Roman. I can't help but feel a pang of guilt. Yet, if pretending to be in a relationship is what it takes to secure the case, so be it.
I need you.
A text comes through from Greer, and I read it again and again. Do you know how good those words are to read?
They’d be even better if I could hear Greer utter them while I’m sinking deep inside her. Something I’ve thought about a lot over the years.
Even more now since I saw her naked.
I’d like to say I’m pretty proud of myself for keeping my shit together when she came barreling out of the shower. Water droplets slinking down her tight firm body. I barely got a good enough look before she was kicking me in the crotch. Thankfully my dick was hard and blocked her foot from my balls, or I’d have been doubled over in pain on her bathroom tiles.
The Greer high is ruined with a text from Ledger,
I might die from boredom at Club Greed tonight. Dev is nesting. Come and keep me company? Need my twin by my side.
Ledger’s my fraternal twin brother. We both have dark hair, but that’s where the similarities end. He’s got dark eyes, where I’ve got a “dazzling” blue, or so I’ve been told. Ledger’s a bit more reserved, quieter, where I like to have a good time. Ledger’s been helping out with Club Greed while Dev takes some much needed time off to prepare for the baby his girlfriend is having soon. He’s been putting together the baby nursery, and basically waiting on Chloe hand and foot while she grows a tiny human inside her.
I’m still amazed my best friend is about to be a father. I glance at the text from Ledger, and laugh lightly. Ledger’s been managing the sex club and I know he’s not one to fool around at the club while working. So, I decide to mess with him a little and type back a reply,
Just find someone to fuck all night long.
I laugh as I send it because I know my twin brother would never do that. I also know, he’d never jeopardize his working relationship with Dev.
Greer answers back, and I stare at my phone.
Shit. I sent the wrong text to Greer. The dots bounce as she keeps typing.
I tell you I need you and that’s your response. Maybe I’ll take you up on that, and head to my brother’s club and find some hottie gentleman to…duck.
I glance at the screen.
Another text from Greer comes through.
A slow smile spreads as I realize what she’s trying to type.
Goddangit…fffffuck. Stupid auto carrot.
Correccccct. Ugh.
I laugh as I read her words. I send her a duck holding a carrot gif and then reply with,
Sorry those words were meant for Ledger. To what do I owe the pleasure of you needing me?
I watch the dots move as I wait for her response.
Can you meet me for lunch?
I can meet you at Julia’s
I stare at the restaurant in front of me. When I left her house this morning, I decided to stroll the streets of Saint Pierce to distract my mind. Because if I didn’t, I’d be jerking off to thoughts of Greer standing in her living room nude.