Page 57 of Cross My Heart
I’m still coming when Roman lets loose. It’s a beautiful sight, and I memorize every detail.
He tugs me closer, and I know at this moment that I’m completely in love with this man. There’s no need to think about anyone else ever getting my heart, because Roman has the whole damn thing in his hands.
And I think he always has.
“I’m still not sure about visiting my mother. I know this needs to be done, but…” Roman says, while maneuvering his SUV onto the highway.
I rest my hand on his thick thigh as he drives. “It’ll be great.”
“If you say so,” Roman says with a half-ass smirk on his face.
Since last night, I've found myself feeling jittery around him, and I can't quite pinpoint the reason why. Perhaps it's because I've come to terms with the realization that I'm in love with him. I've always harbored feelings for him, but now I recognize that it's love.
The genuine kind.
The kind that has the power to move mountains and beyond.
"Are you listening to me?" Roman's voice breaks through my inner monologue.
I snap out of my thoughts, turning to meet his gaze. "No, sorry. What did you say?"
He lifts my hand and grazes his lips across my knuckles. “Are you sure you’re okay with seeing your father?”
I sigh. “No, not at all. I don’t even know what I’m going to say to him.”
Roman lets out a gentle laugh. “That’s what I asked when you weren’t listening to me. I asked if you knew what you were going to say. Now we know the answer.”
I squeeze his hand as he kisses it one last time and places it back on his lap. “It’s been so many years, but I think it’s time our father is a part of our lives again.”
“What does Dev think?”
I glance out the window, watching the tapestry of greenery pass us by. “He wants no part of it.”
“It’s a tough spot. I remember your father never being around after your mother died. It must have killed him to think she committed suicide. I think that breaks a person.”
I shift my gaze toward him, his eyes focused intently on the highway before us. “It killed all of us. It breaks everyone.”
Roman steals a swift glance in my direction, his gaze lingering on me for a fleeting moment before returning to the road ahead. "I know it did," he murmurs softly, his voice carrying a hint of understanding.
“He was being selfish. He had two kids who were dealing with the loss of their mother.” I will myself not to cry.
Roman lifts my hand again and brings it to his lips. “I wish I knew the perfect words to say right now, because I’d say them over and over to you.”
I summon a strained smile, feeling completely hollow. “I know.” I drop his hand and resume looking out the window until the small town of Magnolia Ridge comes into view.
“Do you ever miss it?” Roman asks as we get closer to the town.
“Miss what?”
“Living in a small town. Everyone knowing all your business.”
I laugh lightly. “Everyone already does. That’s why we have to pretend to be dating.”
Roman nods as he pulls onto Main Street and heads downtown. “Right. Pretend to date,” he whispers, like he’s lost in thought.
“Do you miss it?” I ask.
He shakes his head. “I love my life in Saint Pierce. I’d never come back here.”