Page 44 of Cross My Heart
“I thought they left me alone because of Dev. I figured he threatened anyone not to touch me.”
Roman squeezes me closer. “No, that was in high school. We all made a pact to kick anyone’s ass who asked you out.”
“Are you kidding? Is that why no one ever asked me to any dances?”
Roman nods. “Yeah. We put the fear of death into anyone who wanted to ask you.”
I slap his arm lightly. “That’s not very fair.”
Chills skate across my skin as he traces a finger down my cheek. “I didn’t want anyone touching you but me.”
Is this true? Or is he caught up in the moment of this being fake?
With those words, I stand from the bench and reach my hand down. “Let’s head home,” I say, wishing he meant every word he’s said.
That word sounds so good coming from her. It makes me wish I could live with her year-round.
We retrieve my SUV from Marley’s parking lot and head back to Greer’s house.
I want to touch her like I did last night. Have her come all over me again. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about touching her since I woke up with her in my arms.
We arrive at Greer’s house, and when we get inside, she busies herself with preparing dinner. I should take a nap, but my body is buzzing with a new type of energy. An energy I want to explore. Getting Greer off last night was amazing, and I want to do it again.
This may be the only chance I get to be with her. Like a real couple.
I head into the kitchen.
“Hope you’re hungry,” she says, and I nearly growl.
“Oh, I’m hungry all right.” I don’t mean for the words to come out as cheesy as they have, but I don’t care. I am hungry. For her.
She spins around to face me, and her eyes eat me up as I erase the space between us.
“I can’t stop thinking about you,” I tell her. “About last night.”
I don’t give her a chance to respond before my lips are on hers. I kiss her with everything I’ve got, wrapping my arms around her trim waist.
I know I don’t deserve this woman. How can I deserve to love somebody when I’m riddled with anxiety.
She deserves the world.
But tonight, I’m pushing all of those soul-crushing thoughts away, and I’m going to enjoy this woman like I’ve wanted to for years.
“I love how hard you make me come, Greer. I want to make you come just as hard.” I continue kissing her, letting my tongue glide over hers.
She moans into my mouth, and I push off all the measuring cups and ingredients she had on the kitchen counter for dinner. It all goes crashing to the floor, and I don’t give a fuck.
Apparently neither does Greer, because she smiles as I hoist her onto the counter, spreading her legs so I can stand between them. I kiss her like it’s the end of the world, while my hands move over her body.
“Roman,” she moans, and I know exactly what she wants.