Page 65 of Cord SEAL
Her ass moved hard trying to get me to fuck. “Hold still.” I spanked her ass hard a couple more times while plowing into her smooth pussy.
Wrapping my hand around her throat and looking into her eyes I went balls deep. “My pussy. Cum.” I could feel my balls tighten up as her eyes rolled back in her head and she came even as I let loose a torrent of cum deep in her pussy.
I held still inside her making sure my seed was doing what it was meant to. “I want your mouth.” I removed the gag and fed her my tongue before feeding off of hers.
We stayed like that with my semi hard cock stuck inside her and our mouths loving each other. It wasn’t long before I was moving inside her again, and between the cock in her ass and the one in her pussy she stayed on a pleasure high.
Her little pussy massaged my cock, keeping me in a state until he grew inside her again and the fucking commenced. I damn near drilled her into the bed, catching her screams in my mouth as she came all over my cock with abandon.
When she’d drained my cock for the last time I pulled out and rolled away. I played with the tits as she came down, pulling and sucking on them while her pussy leaked.
“I like seeing you like this. One day when I don’t have shit to do I’m gonna leave you like this and fuck you all day.” She moaned and her body shook at my words.
“You want more?” At her nod, I laid myself between her legs and sucked her clit into my mouth, bringing her off gently one last time. I released her from her restraints and it was shower time again. This time I stuck to cleaning us both up before hightailing it out of there when she started eyeing my cock.
I dressed her again after applying ointment to her pussy and ass. “I have to go baby, the guys and I are packing up to leave for a few days.” Her eyes grew sad when she thought I was leaving her behind and I kissed her brow.
“Pack whatever you think you’re gonna need. I don’t know how long we’ll be gone so bring as much as you can.” With one last hug to tide me over I left the house and went in search of the others. “Fuck I didn’t feed her.” I waved at the others as they headed for the mansion and went back to feed my woman.
We spent most of the day until sundown getting shit ready. No one was saying much of anything, we were still thinking of the codes and what it all meant. The women were kept too busy to get into any more shit and Davey kept giving us reports on what they were up to.
Susie was back to her smiling self and I could hear her and the others every time they passed outside the mansion going from one house to the next.
“Where did y’all tell them we were going?” I asked Logan and the others as we listened to the women going back and forth.
“I didn’t tell Gabriella shit, just to pack some shit that will last us for a while.”
“Same here.” The others chimed in. They probably thought we were going on vacation or some shit. Hopefully this place Mancini was dragging us off to would afford them some freedom.
I was actually looking forward to it if only to give the women a breather. Susie’s little act of mutiny had brought it home that females have no stomach for the shit us men have to deal with. My brothers and I sure could’ve hunkered down here for as long as it took, but the girls were about ready to crack.
“I know if y’all don’t take them off those leashes soon we’re gonna have more problems than we’ve seen the last two days.” Quinn piped in.
“Why what did you hear?” For some reason, he was the one left stuck with them more so than anyone else, though I wasn’t sure they’d talk around him either, they’re sneaky that way.
“Nothing, just watching them. Reminds me of a caged panther at the zoo, just looking for a way out.”
“They’ll be fine, we just have to instill shit in them every night after they’ve been alone together all day. That’s when they do their damn plotting and get all these funny ideas and shit.”
“The fuck you wanna instill in them Connor?”
“Well Ty, the fact that what we say goes and they just need to keep their little asses quiet until the ban has been lifted.”
“Okay bitch made one, in case you haven’t noticed, Dani might play quiet when you’re around, but I bet my ass she’s up to her eyeballs in shit when they’re plotting and scheming.”
“Never said different, I’m just saying we’ve taken down fucking governments we ought to be able to keep five females in check.” We all pretty much shook our heads at him because even he knew he was blowing smoke out his ass.
Although I wasn’t expecting Susie to fuck up as royally as she had this time, I wasn’t kidding myself that she wouldn’t be up to some shit before long.