Page 51 of Cord SEAL
He turned and slowly looked over his shoulder in that way he has that makes me weak in the knees. “You sure you wanna test me little girl?” I swallowed the brick that was suddenly lodged in my throat and took a little step back. “Thought so. Get to bed and your ass better be there when I get back. And Susie that was your last chance, you fuck up like this again, I’ll make you regret the day you were born.”
Did he have to be so masterful? Did he have to make me weak even when I wanted to bash him in the head? “I wish you’d stop talking down to me. I just wanted to go check on mom I don’t see what the big deal is. You can’t keep me prisoner here…” He gave me one of his looks and silly me got turned way the hell on. Is it sick that I wanted to jump his bones right now? All that masterful heat yum!
“Take your ass to bed Susie and make that the last time you raise your voice to me. You’re skating on thin fucking ice.”
Oh boy, how was I supposed to not get into trouble with mister don’t breathe unless I say so always on my ass? “That’s not fair, I’m not a china doll and it’s time you stopped treating me like one.” That wasn’t bravery; I was in heat. Who knows what the hell was gonna come out of my mouth next? I could feel the blood rushing between my thighs in anticipation. Does he have any idea how hot he is when he gets all macho man of the universe? I’ll take the spanking.
He turned and came back to me. Grabbing my chin in his hand his mouth came down hard on mine and the other big rough hand went into my sweats between my thighs. I was already cumming before his fingers slipped beneath my panties and drove deep.
His fingers felt so good moving inside me, and I found I even liked that little bit of pain when his long thick fingers rubbed against my tender flesh. I was working on my second big one when the beast pulled his fingers out of me and walked out the door.
I fell back against the wall with my mouth hanging open. “That son of a bitch.” I went around the house on a tear looking for anything I could smash. There was nothing that I didn’t know had value to him and as mad as I was I still couldn’t do that to him.
I screamed loud enough to wake the whole population of the south but that wasn’t much help either. When the first tear fell is when I lost my mind. That can be the only explanation for my deciding then and there to defy him.
The thought settled me down some, the idea of getting some of my own back. Ever since I got hooked up with that one I’ve been like a puppet on a string. Doing his bidding, following his rules. No more.
I bided my time, waiting for the sun to go down. It was a testament to how pissed he was that he didn’t come to check on me like he’d promised. I didn’t care, at least that’s what I told myself every time I started to sulk.
I was a nervous wreck as the minutes ticked away and then the girls showed up. “How are you? You don’t seem any worse for wear, and from the looks of Cord when he stormed out of here earlier we were pretty sure you’d been treated to the SEAL treatment.” Vanessa plopped the baby down on my lap while Vicki headed for the kitchen. Crap, I forgot it was my turn to make dinner, damn. The girls have issues with smelling food these days so I pull double duty sometimes. Now I feel bad that I’d forgot.
“So, what’s the verdict? Have you been banished from the outside world for the next millennium or what?” Dani sat next to me with a pitying look of understanding. “I wish.” Somehow I think Cord is gonna have a whole lot worse in store for me after this.
I thought it only fair to warn them of what I was up to, just in case of the fallout. “Listen, thanks for coming to check on me but I’m about to head out.”
“Head out where?” Gaby stopped on her way to the kitchen to help Vicki. I rocked the baby nervously, suddenly not so sure about my half ass plan.
“I have to go see mom.”
“Girl, are you insane?” They all pretty much said the same thing at the same time, only adding to my angst. It was easy to see how we had all just been falling in line all this time. I might be the newest bird in the game, and the youngest. Maybe that’s why I was the first to decide to take a stand. Of course the fact that Cord pissed me off had a lot to do with the way I was feeling.
“No, I’m not insane, what I am is tired of being treated like a child who doesn’t have half a brain. No disrespect to you ladies, but I refuse to be anyone’s doormat.” The more I talked about it, the more annoyed I became. I may still have reservations, but if I don’t do this now, I’m afraid I’ll always be lost in his shadow.
“Is that what you think? That we’re doormats because we have men who love and want only what’s best for us?”
“I didn’t say that Vicki. I won’t presume to speak for anyone else, all I’m saying is that it might work for you but it won’t work for me.” I didn’t mean to take my anger out on her, but I couldn’t stop my damn mouth from moving.
“Okay come on you two let’s not start fighting with each other. Susie, you’re feeling frustrated and no wonder. We’ve all been cooped up here forever and the guys haven’t been very forthcoming. But I can honestly say that if this thing whatever it is weren’t serious, they wouldn’t be acting the way they are. All we have to do is wait it out.” Vanessa was ever the voice of reason.
“Girl, all I can say is you better rethink this, you don’t’ want to lose your cherry and your neck in the same day.” Vicki’s joke was her way of lightening up the mood and letting me know she wasn’t holding my fuck up against me.
“Sorry Vicki, I didn’t mean to make it sound like I think you’re stupid. Trust me I understand, but I’m just so mad at him right now I could scream. None of that takes away from the fact that I do need to go make sure she’s okay.”
“She still not answering the phone?”
“No, and I don’t understand why Cord isn’t more worried about it.”
“I’m pretty sure the guys have taken care of it. They wouldn’t leave her there if there was any danger.”
“Thanks Vanessa, but I still need to see for myself.”
They gave it their best shot, trying to talk me out of it with no luck. I guess they got tired of butting their heads against the wall because it wasn’t long before Gaby was on my side. I should’ve done some rethinking after that happy event. It’s a given that anything Gaby’s involved in is bound to blow up in our faces, but I wasn’t exactly in my right frame of mind.
“You can’t be serious, don’t encourage her.” There was a ring of unease in Vanessa’s voice. “Tell me, how do you geniuses plan to get off the property huh? Did you see how fast Cord was on your ass this afternoon? Did you even stop to think how he knew you were gone before you even turned the corner?”