Page 38 of Cord SEAL
“Does it matter Lo? A dirty fuck is a dirty fuck. What we need to decide is if we’re gonna kill this fucker or expose him.”
“Kill him, he’s not serving no fucking purpose, evil fuck.” Who didn’t know that that would be Ty’s answer?
“Tyler don’t you start. Cord you asked to take point on this one, what’s our next move?” That was Logan’s way of passing the torch. I’d asked for it, but I wasn’t sure that they’d all be on board for what I had in mind.
It’s one thing to destroy the enemy behind enemy lines, but we were talking about taking down an ex president, a state senator and a decorated general, and that was only the ones we knew of so far. I’m sure by the time we get to the bottom of this they will be even more high officials on the list.
“I want to find everyone involved and end them. I want the world to know what these men have done. But first, I want to find a way to get at their finances and use it to help out our brothers and sisters who don’t have a pot to piss in after sacrificing life and limb for their country.”
“Okay, we’re all tired now, and Cord you’ve been going back and forth to that window every minute for the last half hour. What say we come at this fresh in a couple hours? Mancini should be here by then. I’m not even gonna ask how that fuck knows where we live.”
We broke out and my brothers headed to my house to get their women. “It’s a given we don’t tell them about this. They’re gonna ask, but we play this shit down as best we can. No matter what, we shield them.” Lo said, as we got close.
“Agreed.” Each man agreed to keep things as they had been. Of course the women knew something was up. They’d been chased on the beach, one had been attacked and left damn near dead, and another had been kidnapped in the desert for the purpose of being raped by a madman. The only question was had they put it all together yet? Heaven help us when they do.
Back at the house, my eyes zeroed in on her and hers sought me out still filled with lingering fear. I smiled to reassure her that all was right in her world again. Her face softened and I saw her body relax as if she’d been waiting for my return. So much passed between us in that one moment
While I’d been giving her time, time I thought she needed, someone else had been plotting to take her life. There was still so much I needed to teach her to bring her into my world, but looking at her now after what she’d been through, after almost losing her it didn’t matter anymore, none of it did. All that mattered now was taking her to my bed. Fuck everything else.
I suddenly couldn’t wait to be alone with her. I needed to feel her warmth beneath me, needed that connection. Only then would I be able to erase the night.
I needed to get inside her, to reassure myself that she was safe, whole, mine. Now that imminent danger had passed, she now faced a danger of a different kind. Would I have enough control to take her? Or would my overpowering need cause me to hurt her more than was necessary.
There was no doubt that I would hurt her the first time, it’s just the way I’m built. I’ve tested her tightness enough to know that there was no way for me to spare her.
My blood heated right along with my thoughts and as much as I loved my family I needed them gone. I gave Lo a nod, which conveyed much and he started the exodus from my kitchen.
“Okay everyone, let’s go and let these two get some sleep.” They all said bye to her and my brothers reassured her that she was okay now while their women fussed over her like they didn’t want to leave. Lo practically had to drag Gaby out the door, but eventually they started for the door.
“You’re with me squirt.” Dev wrapped an arm around Davey’s neck and the kid looked at me while my brother led him out the door. “Go with him, I’ll see you in the morning.” He gave his sister one last look of brotherly concern before leaving out.
She looked at me a bit warily when we were finally alone and I walked around the table to her side. “Come here baby.” I leaned over her, caging her in against the chair. For the first time when I covered her mouth with mine, I didn’t hold anything back.
“Give me your tongue.” I teased her tongue into my mouth and sucked on it until she relaxed enough to wrap her little arms around my neck. She sighed into my mouth and clung.
I lifted her from the chair and wrapped her legs around me. I was finally able to take a real breath since making the run to her place. Her heart beat against mine as I whispered words of comfort to her.
She was trying to be my brave girl, but I could feel that she was still shaken. That shit kinda put the brakes on my libido. She needed comforting, not me fucking into her body like a maniac right on the back of her ordeal.
“You good Gem?” I held her little body close as she nodded against my shoulder. “Tell me what happened.” Her body shook in remembered fear as she told me in broken sentences how she’d awakened to the stranger in her room. With each word I wished I’d done more than broken that fuck’s neck.
“I tried to jump off the bed to run but he was too quick. I couldn’t even use any of the things you taught me because he was just there and next thing I knew, his hands were around my neck.”
“Did he hurt you in any other way baby?” I don’t think he would’ve had time. Davey had called me as soon as he’d heard the men in the house, but I wanted her to get it all out in the open, to purge it from her mind.
“No, you came.” She snuggled into me as I took her place on the chair. My body reacted strongly to her nearness. That coupled with the fear of almost losing her made the man in me stand up. My cock was hard beneath her ass as she moved around seeking comfort.
“Be still baby.” I closed my eyes and fought against the need to drive my cock in and out of her, hard. Too soon Cord, too fucking soon. My head was saying one thing but my dick was singing a different tune. I gritted my teeth and begged for patience.
I just wanted the reassurance that she was safe in my arms-that no harm had come to her. The need to get deep inside her rode me hard, but I fought it back for now. I have to do this right no matter how my body might rebel.
When her body started to shake uncontrollably again, I whispered softly to her. “I’m sorry Gem, I shouldn’t have left you, it won’t happen again.” I felt inadequate. I felt like I’d failed when I was needed most. I’d let her down when I’ve made it a point never to disappoint anyone who depended on me.