Page 32 of Cord SEAL
“What’re you doing with that brother?” Law came up on me when I was washing away the dregs of what was left. “I’m not leaving anything behind.” I emptied another bottle of solution into the tub to clean the pipes so that there wouldn’t be so much as a speck of blood left. There wasn’t even a hint of bone. The mixture had done its job. Fucking mob.
Creed remade the bed but left it a little rumpled, to look like someone had slept there and just got up and left early. We got Jared from his post outside the maid’s door and split. It was halfway back to the boys that I felt eyes on me, but a covert look around didn’t reveal anything.
“You boys feel that?” I asked through my mouthpiece as we rode along. I was tired as fuck. Only an asshole would try to make this trip and back in one day, but I wasn’t about to leave my wife and kids alone, not with this shit hanging over their heads.
“Feel what?” Creed answered.
“Eyes? I picked them up a while ago but I thought I was being paranoid.” In fact I thought I felt them since I made the turnoff from my home but since I didn’t see shit I put it away.
“Whoever it is must be friendlies.”
“How the fuck you figure Law?”
“If they were here to stop the mission they would’ve done so already and they’re hanging back.” That was good enough for me, as long as they stayed the fuck outta my way they can be as friendly as they like.
“We need to stop and get some rest Lyon, we already rode almost a day here and it’s the same amount of time back, you can’t do it, you’ll wipe the fuck out.”
“Law, if your pansy ass wanna stop for a nap go right ahead, but I have to get home to my wife.”
“How do you want to get there? In one piece or do you prefer the State Troopers knocking on her door?” Nosy fuck, this is why she’d set him on my ass. Not this exactly, but she knew he’d try to talk me out of shit. The ass was right, my arms were already pulling, and it wasn’t just me I had to worry about. So as much as I hated to, I put in a call to Max and made sure everything was alright back home. I’ll save her nosy ass for later.
“Babe, I’m not gonna make it back tonight.” I waited for the whine I knew was coming. This would be the first night we’d spend apart since getting married.
“What why?” I could hear her rustling around in our bed and wish to fuck I could be there with her. “I told you, I had to make a run with the guys right. Well, the shit took a little longer than expected.” She had no idea I was in Arizona. Not that it mattered, since she hooked up with the other women, it’s like a spy network or some shit. I have no doubt she’d hear it from Lyon’s woman or Law’s.
“Who’s there?” I knew where she was heading with that shit and I hated like fuck that she even thought she had to ask.
“It’s just me and the guys babygirl, I told you about that shit didn’t I? You got the ring and the man, you do not have to worry about strange pussy.”
“I know it’s just…”
“It’s just nothing Jess, we’re not doing this shit. If I say I’m with you I’m with you. If I tell you I’m not fucking around on you then you believe that shit no question. Then ask yourself when the fuck would I have had time since I haven’t been more than ten feet away from you until tonight?”
I thought she was over that jealousy shit. I’d sent the woman packing halfway across the country and haven’t even seen another female if she was standing on top of my head. What the fuck?
“Are you crying? You better not be crying babygirl. Listen to me. I waited almost ten years for you. I didn’t do that shit to fuck it away for a piece of ass.” She sniffled and calmed her ass down and I was trying hard not to be pissed.
“How’s my kid?”
“He’s good, but you’re not gonna be here to hold my hair in the morning when he makes me sick.” I could hear the pout in her voice but at least she was over that crying shit.
“I’ll make it up to you. I stocked your little refrigerator with ginger ale and your crackers are in my nightstand. Just make sure you have both before you get out of bed and you should be fine babygirl.”
We fucked around on the phone for a little bit until her voice cleared and there was no more worry there. I got to wondering why the fuck women always think their man don’t miss them as much as they do when they have to be away from them because I had a bitch of a time getting to sleep without her next to me.
“Cord, someone’s in the house. I think they’re heading for Susie’s room.” There was fear in the kid’s voice but he was holding it together. I knew I shouldn’t have let her leave me. There was no time for recriminations now though; I had to move.