Page 30 of Cord SEAL
“I know it, but we gotta have his back either way.”
We rode hell bent for leather to catch up to Lyon not even sure if we were on the right track. There was no point in trying to second- guess why he’d veered off from the plan, the man plays by his own rules. Having taken matters into my own hands not that long ago to avenge my family, I had no issue with him doing the same. I just wish like fuck he’d given me a heads-up.
“Creed up ahead.”
“Thank fuck I thought we were gonna have to follow that boy all the way to Arizona.”
I sped up and moved ahead of the others as Lyon and his crew came at us from the opposite direction.
I cut him off by pulling across in front of him and he didn’t look too pleased until I removed my helmet and he recognized me.
“What the fuck?”
“You don’t mind a little company on this little jaunt into the desert do you Lyon?”
“What are you doing here brother?” I asked him tongue in cheek.
“I could ask you the same…fucking Kat.”
“Hey, don’t blame her, I thought we had a deal.”
“Yeah that was before they sent my kid an email about running away from home and before three fucks showed up at my door.”
“They did what?” Creed had caught up by then and the three of us stood next to our rides in the middle of the street. This time of night wasn’t anyone out here unless they were up to no good.
“Yeah, so if my woman sent you to reel me in you’re fuck outta luck.”
“What do you mean they came to your door? Is your family okay?”
“Yes they are, and I’m going to end this shit so they stay that way.”
I should’ve known she was up to some shit. I didn’t stand around any longer than it took to fill them in, but I wasn’t about to be deterred. I got back on my ride and left them to decide what they wanted to do. It didn’t escape my notice that neither man even tried to talk me out of going, I’m pretty sure they knew it wouldn’t have worked.
I can’t say I was surprised when they flanked me two minutes later, but I wasn’t sure how I felt about them coming along. I knew what I was going there to do, and though I knew these boys lived by the same creed, I wasn’t too sure about all the extra eyes and ears that I now had on my ass.
No one said anything for the rest of the ride. My mind was focused on what laid ahead. The last time I was here I had a plan in place, this time I was playing this shit by ear. All I knew was the end result.
When we were about half an hour out I was struck by an idea. I held my hand up and made a turn into the parking lot of the chain retail store we came up on. “I’ll be back, we don’t want to scare these people by all going in there together.” Plus I didn’t want anyone knowing what the fuck I was up to.
I got the shit I needed and left without too much fuss. The guys were stretching their legs until I returned and all eyes went to the bags in my hands. I ignored them and climbed on my ride after putting the shit away.
Now that we were almost there I cleared everything else from my head. I didn’t let myself think of what could go wrong, didn’t think of consequences or repercussions. It needed doing and that’s all there was to it.
I held my hand up once more when we were five minutes out. I waited until everyone was standing in front of me before saying a word. “We can’t all go in there, I didn’t plan for all these bodies.”
“I’m going in.” That was Law then Creed raised his hand, which meant he was in too. I knew my boys wanted in which would mean seven bodies altogether.
“Fuck guys it’s a hit not a fucking reunion.”
“You got the blueprints, how do you know they’re in there? What about servants and shit, how much recon did you do?”
“The fuck Law, it won’t take all that to off these fucks, I’m in and out in five. Look it’s coming on dark now, I timed the ride to get here about this time. There’s only one maid in the house and she’s not in the same wing as the fucks.