Page 18 of Cord SEAL
“Nah, we’re hitting brick walls on every turn. But we already figured someone higher up was pulling the strings.”
“Yeah well hopefully we can get you some answers soon, bye for now.” Lo hung up and turned back to the room.
“Okay, now we have confirmation on that, we know where to look. Law mentioned something about Khalil’s father. Looks like we’re gonna have to go even farther back than we thought. I say we clear our minds of what we know or think we know so far, and go after this thing with new eyes.”
“Yeah, I need a break first.”
“How long this time Dev?” Quinn grinned at me like the jackass he is.
Devon looked at his watch. “Four hours.” He and Quinn have a new game, timing how long I go before needing a Susie fix.
“Fuck off both of you. Nothing to say Tyler?”
“Who me? What could I possibly have to say about your bitch made ass? Pitiful.”
“That would sting if you weren’t such a pussy whipped asshole yourself.”
“I thought we agreed to clean up our language on account of all the kids that are gonna be running around here soon.”
“Please Con, if you hadn’t started this shit we wouldn’t be in this predicament. I think Dani put something in the food she fed us when she first moved in. Has anyone else noticed that except for Nessa who we knew before we moved here, all these women were her friends or knew her in some way?”
“Leave my woman out of this Quinn you fuck.” Con threw something at his head. I left them to their little squabble and went after her. They were right, but they had no idea what was behind my many Susie breaks and they never will. This is one part of my life I won’t be sharing with my brothers.
She’s on a schedule, part of her training regimen. No matter what time of day, or what she’s doing, she has to drop it and follow. Plus I needed her. I am very good at hiding my feelings behind a mask, and right now I’m pissed the fuck off. There’s only one way I know to tame the beast before he rages out of control.
My eyes fell on her as soon as I cleared the door to Logan’s place. Just the sight of her took some of the edge off. They were sitting around the living room drinking tea and juice with all their wedding crap spread out on every available surface. A more innocent bunch you’ve yet to meet. Too bad for them they were hooked up with men who clocked their every move and knew that shit for the farce that it was.
“Ladies, what have you been up to this morning?” They looked guilty as hell as they tried to convince me that they’d done nothing more than look through magazines. “Susie.” She blushes so easily, just the mention of her name and her face goes up in flames.
I held my hand out to her as she left her seat to come to me. “Good girl.” I whispered my pleasure in her ear once she reached my side. “She’ll be back after lunch.” Their laughter could mean they didn’t believe me, but whatever. I closed the door to Lo’s place just as Davey was coming up the steps.
“Make sure they behave son.”
“Yeah, just as soon as their husbands teach me how. How come I have to watch them Cord? They don’t ever listen.” Poor kid actually looked spooked. “It comes with the territory boy, what have I taught you?”
“Always look after the women.” He grumbled it before going through the door.
“Ready?” I turned my attention back to her as we headed for home. She nodded shyly, the only time she’s timid with me. She knew what was coming. I squeezed her hand for reassurance. With me it’s a mixed bag. She can either expect light fun, or hardcore Dom. She never knew which.
We barely cleared the door before I had her trapped against it with my tongue in her mouth. I let her feel the need in me as my arms went around her. I cautioned myself to hold back just a little. I was in a dangerous mood, and my control, which only she seems able to shake, was barely there. I pulled our mouths apart and nuzzled her soft cheek, before nibbling my way back to the corner of her lips.
“Hmm, I missed you, missed me?” She nodded as her mouth followed mine in search of my tongue. “Come and get it.” I teased her, pulling back just a little, making her work for it. “Quit it Cord.” I love that whine of hers. This morning I’d left her hot and wanting before heading out the door. She was pissed but knew better than to say anything. Now I was going to reward her restraint.
“Take it.” I let her suck my tongue back into her mouth while rubbing my growing cock between her thighs. It always pleased me, her hunger; the hunger that I had awakened in her from the beginning. She goes up in flames so easily, with just a touch. Makes it hard not to fuck into her every chance I get. And those noises she makes, fuck.
“Undress me.” She knew to leave my jeans on for now so she just unzipped me before going after my sweater. When she was done it was my turn to pull her clothes off right there in the living room. “Give me that mouth again.” Walking backwards with our mouths fused I led us to the bedroom. “Do you want me?” she nodded again but this time that wasn’t enough. “Say it.”
“I want you, please.” She tried fondling my cock the little sneak as she rubbed her legs together. Good, I had reawakened the heat from our earlier love play. I moved my cock out of her reach and ran my finger down between her pink tipped breasts. I wanted her to burn for me, needed to see the lust in her eyes that was always there when I touched her like this.
“Eyes up remember?” Her head jerked up and she looked at me as I let my own eyes follow my finger as it traced her body, down, down, down until I reached the jackpot.
There was only one thing standing in the way of us moving forward, one thing she needed to overcome; her shyness when we’re alone together like this. There can be no holding back for her, not in anyway. Today I plan to break down all barriers, and bring her completely into my world and I know just where to start.
“What do you call this?” I cupped her between her legs as her face heated up. “You know what it’s called.” She tried hiding her face in my shoulder. How could someone with so much fire, so much passion, still be this shy? “I want you to tell me what you call it.” I nuzzled the top of her head, taking in her scent.
“Vagina.” Her face grew even hotter.