Page 14 of Cord SEAL

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Page 14 of Cord SEAL

I’ve grown so attuned to him, that all it takes is his walking into a room. Or on those days when he and his brothers go to their worksite, I miss him horribly while he’s gone. And just when I know it’s time for him to be pulling into the gate at the end of the day, I get butterflies and my heart rate speeds up. My body already recognizes him as its owner.

I love the way he reacts when we’ve been apart for those few hours out of the day. I try to make sure I’m alone in his house at those times so I can enjoy one of his special ‘hello’ kisses. It’s almost worth missing him to be on the receiving end of one of those.

The way he looks at me holds me, as if he’d been gone for years instead of a few hours. I hope that never ends. I hope for the rest of my life he looks at me as if I’m his everything. There’s nothing headier than that.

He’s right, there’s no turning back. I know that no one else would ever, could ever make me feel the things he does. Plus the fact Cord would kill them if they tried. He’s possessive that way. And when he’d whispered just that in my ear while his fingers teased between my thighs, I believed him.

I tuned back into the Charlie’s Angels wannabes behind me as they grilled Kat on what she knew which didn’t sound like much. And now they were setting up a sting. They’re so funny, like these guys will ever let us get close enough to do anything; we can’t even leave the property without them knowing. When will they learn? Hopefully before Cord takes the skin off my ass. I like his special spankings, but his punishments for disobedience are a whole other story, and quite frankly I’m getting tired of bearing the brunt of these women’s escapades.

Cord lectures me every morning before we start the day about being safe. It’s as if he thinks if I’m out of his sight for more than ten minutes I’ll disappear. I used to think his over protectiveness was just par for the course, but lately I’ve come to realize that it was a lot more than that.

After Vicki had been attacked, it had really hit home that the guys weren’t just keeping us under lock and key to be a pain in the ass, but that there was real danger lurking. If only they’d tell us what it was we were being protected from, then maybe these ladies wouldn’t be losing their minds and getting into stuff.

“Gaby you sure Logan doesn’t have a tap on that phone?” That stopped them in their tracks. “Oh shit, Kat we gotta go, I’ll try to call back later but if you hear anything before then give us a call.” She hung up and looked around the room as if expecting Logan to jump out at her.

“You’re good they haven’t moved over there, though I can’t see inside so who knows.” Everything about this place was so secretive. These men make the commander’s paranoia seem tame. He was always telling Davey and I about staying safe, always had some new gadget or other that was supposed to safeguard us. Then he went and got himself killed, and that I’d only learnt by snooping. So I guess I can’t blame the others for doing the same. Before that, my brother and I had believed the nice old man had died of a heart attack or something.

Where he’d left off, Cord and his brothers had taken up. Now he treats my brother like one of his own and for that alone I adore him, it’s everything else about him that had sent me tumbling head over heals in love with him. And loving him the way I have come to, all I want is for him to love me the same. To be everything he needed me to be. It’s a fear I’ve been fighting hard to overcome.

But when I look at my new sisters, I wonder if I match up. We’re all so completely different, and until Vicki came along I was worried that these guys only went for society types. I wouldn’t blame them; they’re all hot, rich and from my estimation, can have any woman they want.

Vanessa was more like Vicki and me, but she was one of them, a soldier. Though the way the guys treat her you wouldn’t know the difference. With these men as long as she’s not on the battlefield, she’s like the rest of us. Vicki was more street-smart, my kind of girl. But it was hard not to love Gaby and Dani even with their silver spoon backgrounds.

“If we want to get out of here anytime soon, we need to figure out what’s going on. The guys aren’t telling us squat and it’s our lives too.” Gaby is a bit high strung, she usually starts shit, the rest of us try to talk her out of it, but somehow always end up going along, and then we get caught, it never fails.

“I’m not getting into trouble for you clowns again, besides, I don’t have a wedding that has been put on hold, so why should I stick my neck out?” This was my last play. I’ve tried everything else to get them to behave but nothing works. I wasn’t bitter that Cord hadn’t asked me to marry him or anything. Yeah right.

“Don’t kid yourself, if Cord hasn’t put a ring on your finger yet it’s only because he’s been so caught up in this mess that he hasn’t had time to get one. Trust me, if you’re here with us you’re as good as wed.” Vanessa smirked and patted the baby’s back as she nodded off.

If that’s true, I wonder what that ring would look like. Would it match the special chain he’d placed around my waist just the night before? If I keep this up I’m gonna ruin my underwear. The memory of just what we were doing when he gifted me with that new piece of jewelry was as hot now as it had been the night before when I was kneeling in the middle of that bed.

I felt the slight weight of it now as it rested just above my Mons; a constant reminder that I belonged to him. I guess it was as good as a ring on my finger after all.




“They’re up to something over there.”

“How do you know?” That got Ty’s attention. Ever since he found out that Vicki’s pregnant with his child he’d lost what little mind he had left. Now everything is a major occurrence. If she even sneezes he buys out half a pharmacy and growls at everyone until she’s on the mend. They’re all nuts if you ask me, these brothers of mine, who think that they’re in control. I could give them some pointers but I like to see them sweat when it comes to their women. That’ll teach them to laugh at me, and the way I choose to live that part of my life.

“Because Susie’s been playing lookout for the past ten minutes.” They all trooped towards the windows and I shook my head in shame even though we couldn’t be seen from outside. “Geez guys where’s your training?”

“Logan can you put your woman on a leash for fuck sake?” Zak shoved his shoulder.

“Who says it’s my Gaby?”

“It’s your house bro, you know the rules, your house your headache.” Devon kicked back in his seat and put his feet up. He didn’t have a dog in this particular race and took great pleasure in rubbing our noses in it. He’d taken up where Ty the sap had left off.

“I can’t wait ‘til it’s your turn Dev, then we’ll see.” Lo grinned and popped a few peanuts in his mouth.

“Not gonna happen bro, after seeing what you fools have to put up with I’m confirming my bachelorhood.” Or so he thinks. But as Ty was once fond of telling us, we’ve been dropping like flies since the minute we settled here. I know if I wasn’t able to escape the web no one else would, and that’s a given.

That opened the floodgates and we spent the next ten minutes playing ‘whose woman is worse’ it’s a game we’ve been playing a lot lately. Only since heading down to Law’s and then Lyon’s place, the damn game was now spread over three states. It’s funny that even in the midst of what we were dealing with, most of our conversations lately have been about the women and what they’re up to.

I’m the only one who seems to have any real control over mine, since she knows that unlike my brothers, my bite is worst than my bark. She hates getting her ass beat for anything other than pleasure, and trust me she knows the difference. The rest of them don’t dare lift a finger against theirs since they’re all breeding. It’s funny as hell watching the theatrics. The punching bag in the workout room is damn near falling off its chain these days. Fucking women are more work than an Op.

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