Page 11 of Cord SEAL
I walked into her space, moving her back and away from the men. Brothers or not the situation could become dangerous. It was my first show of ownership, of my intent. My brothers would understand what that gesture meant. I felt the shift in their moods behind me but didn’t turn around. They knew better than to approach.
“You need to calm down.” I crowded her as my brothers watched from afar. I took in the differences in our statures acutely, which only seemed to feed the flames of my awakening lust. She was so small, so vulnerable, though she didn’t know it. Everything about her made the blood sing in my veins.
I folded my fists to keep myself from reaching out for her. Not yet. She’d probably run screaming if I put hands on her. But even then I promised myself that it won’t be long before I filled that need to test the softness of her skin. I ate her up with my eyes, recording everything about her to take out later when I was in my bed alone.
“What are you staring at?” She flung the words in my face in her mini rage. I saw her over my knee, her ass bared, my hands raised for a spanking, before a good hard fuck. The vision was so real I could almost feel the heat of her flesh beneath my hand. Once again, I reined it in.
I knew, somehow I knew that she was going to be so much more than something to play with. I felt it in my gut and the flaring of her nostrils, the reddening cheeks and flustered breathing told me she felt it too.
I held my hand up for silence when one of my brothers started to speak; this was mine to do. “Where’s my brother?” Her voice had lost some of its heat, now there was a heat of a different kind flowing between us. I spoke to her in soft calming tones. The way you would a wild thing you planned to tame, until she settled down.
“He’s in no danger here but you are.” Her eyes flew open wide as she stared up at me. “What do you mean?” Yeah, the slight tremble in her voice was a dead giveaway. I kept my eyes trained on the pulse in her throat before moving them to her lips. Innocence; lucky for her it came off her in waves. It also meant that I had my work cut out for me. All that innocence hiding beneath that fire meant she was going to fight me every step of the way, even as I make her burn.
The wait might kill me, especially if she kept mouthing off at me like this. But little girl lost had no idea what she’d just walked into. “Come.” I held my hand out to her and waited until she came willingly without question. The journey had just begun.
That night I kept her close, getting her scent and getting her use to mine. I saw the looks from my brothers and could easily read behind their questioning stares. They wouldn’t have missed my proprietary actions, the way I kept all of them from getting too close to her.
I was more interested in the way she seemed to instinctively stay next to me. As if she too had felt the current in the air, that invisible force that was already pulling us towards each other.
“I hope you know what you’re doing brother, she’s young.”
“Leave it Con.” I wanted to tell him then and there that she was mine and to back the fuck off. But my control kicked in and I held myself in check. Only I knew what I felt and what that feeling meant. Only I understood what the fact that she made my dick stay hard the whole time she was anywhere near meant, or the fact that for the first time in my life someone made me want.
I pushed the memories aside as we headed out into the night. Though we’d taken care of Stockton, there was still whoever had been working with him on the local base. The tunnel we’d found that ran from his place to the water was too sophisticated for them to just put it out of commission. And since we had no idea when they would strike next, we had to patrol every night in the hopes of catching them in the act.
The two old guys who had been the first to sound the alarm months ago assured us that things had been quiet when we were gone, even though we’d told them to stay out of it. Apparently they’d spread the word that we weren’t the gang of cutthroats the town had believed us to be when we first moved here, because there was a warmer reception whenever my brothers and I went into town these days. That could also have something to do with the fact that we’d settled down with four of their women.
The night was still with a slight chill as we made our way to the water’s edge. There was a smattering of stars in the night sky that made me wish for something as simple as a walk on the boardwalk with my girl. That’s what we were fighting for wasn’t it, a future void of all the bullshit?
“I think these humps got the message. I don’t see them using this place now since they know we know about it. Not unless they’re beyond fuck stupid.”
“I don’t know Dev, this operation is too put together for them to give it up that easily. They might move down the beach some but I think that tunnel is there for a reason. That shit took time and planning. Whatever they’re up to, I think they might still need it.”
“We’ve checked the tapes and there haven’t been any movement down here in a while Cord. I’m thinking those boys came up with another plan.” We should be so fucking lucky.
I could hear the same exasperation I felt coming through loud and clear in my brother’s voice. But we both knew that’s not how Lo works. That fucker is like a dog with a bone. Until we know for sure that this place is no longer in use, he’s gonna keep coming back here.
Ty and Zak wanted to dynamite the tunnel but it was decided to leave it alone for now to avoid another headache. If they moved the operation from here, where would they take it? And how the fuck would we keep an eye on things? It was a catch twenty-two.
So every night give or take we make the rounds, hang around for a little bit, and look for signs of any activity. So far we haven’t had any since the night we grabbed the two assholes, but that didn’t mean anything. And now with the rumor that The Fox might be coming here, we had to be even more vigilant.
We spent a couple hours down there, resetting traps and making sure the little toys we’d left behind were still there and still in working order, before heading back to the compound and our women. I didn’t like leaving her alone for too long at night, even with all the security we had on the place, and I knew my brothers felt the same.
I didn’t breathe easy until I climbed into bed with her and pulled her over into my arms with her head on my chest. Time to count fucking sheep again.
These women are going to get me in trouble; again. I peeped through the curtains and looked out across the way to the big house, where the men have been disappearing for the past couple days since we came back from our little holiday trip. “Hurry up Gaby, you know my brother is Cord’s little spy and he’s not over there with them, he could show up any second.”
“No worries Susie Q almost done. So Kat you haven’t found anything yet?” Now they’ve gone and involved that poor woman in their craziness, like the five of us weren’t enough. I hope she knows what she’s doing. That Colton guy does not look like he’s playing around, and I’m pretty sure like Cord, he’d told her to stay away from this mess. Of course my new sisters didn’t understand the word no, and were hell bent on getting my ass beat and poor Kat strangled.
Cord is gonna have my ass if he finds out that we’re trying to figure this thing out after telling me implicitly to ‘keep my little ass out of it’. Ha, he thinks because he’s hot and has turned my own body against me that I lost all my faculties. Though I wouldn’t dare risk his wrath, I knew just how far to go without tripping over the limit. Unlike some people I know.