Page 51 of Man Spread (On A Manhunt )
He shrugged and I felt it against my back. “Sure.”
“You both must come. We’ll get all the kids together and have a picnic. We got one of those slippy-slidey things that you connect to the hose for the grandkids. Sierra will fit right in. In fact, Missy might even take her home with her.”
“By kids, she means me and my siblings and their kids,” Luke clarified. “And Missy’s my sister.”
Farting. Picnics. Toddlers biting dogs. Sprinkler games for kids. His family was like an alternate universe where people weren’t perfect. They did normal things. They shared embarrassing stories. They had… fun. They wanted to meet Sierra and include her.
“I’m a vegetarian,” I blurted out. There had to be a reason why they wouldn’t like us. Once they learned more, surely they’d shake their heads and change their minds.
“More hamburgers for me then,” Tom said, patting his stomach.
“Do you know how many corn recipes I have?” Janet asked.
“Too many,” Luke groaned.
“Hush, you,” Janet scolded, yet it was softened with a smile. “Now I’ll have someone to try them on. There’s fritters and salads and even a pudding. I’m sure you’ve discovered my son can’t cook.”
I nodded.
“Then you and Sierra will come here, and we’ll take real good care of you. I’ll even pull out Luke’s baby book and you can see that he was bald until he was three.”
I wasn’t sure what my face was showing, but Luke looked to me, and his smile slipped. I didn’t remember a single photo of myself as a kid, none with my parents other than political photos. And a baby book?
“Momma, I think you’ve overwhelmed my girl.”
“All right. It was great meeting you. Let us know how your screen test goes.”
That was the first time they mentioned his job, which didn’t seem as important to them as, well, me. They were thrilled he had a real girlfriend. Except I wasn’t. I was the one he was paying because I was that desperate to get Duncan–the asshole ex who treated me like shit–out of my life.
“Will do,” Luke said. “Love you, both.”
“Love you, son.”
He ended the call and pulled me into his lap. “What’s the matter?” His eyes roved over my face.
I took a deep breath. “Nothing. They’re… amazing.”
His smile returned. “Yeah, they are.”
“I’m not really your girlfriend though.” I ran a hand over his t-shirt, feeling the hard play of bone and muscle beneath. “They’re going to be mad at me for hurting their dog-biting son.”
He playfully swatted my butt. “They invited you because you’re you, not because you’re my girlfriend.”
“I don’t understand.” I didn’t. Why would they invite me and Sierra to Nebraska for a picnic when I wasn’t anything to his son?
He frowned. “What don’t you understand? Didn’t your parents… oh. Right. You aren’t close.”
I shook my head. “My mother would never talk about farting. The closest she’s ever come to a cow is a steak on her dinner plate. And a picnic? I doubt she’s ever been to one.”
“And your father?”
“They have an… open marriage. He sleeps with any woman who will share him with his glass of whiskey.”
“Tiger, Momma and Pops probably like you more than me. I’m sure my mom’s on the phone right now with my sister telling her all about you.”
I shook my head. “That’s not good. This isn’t real, Luke,” I reminded.
He kissed me. Lightly. Gently. Sweetly.