Page 16 of Man Spread (On A Manhunt )
Her head arched back at the touch, right into my hold.
“Like that?” I asked. Fuck, she was perfect. So passionate. So needy. So… mine.
“Luke,” she whined, her eyes falling closed.
I grinned against her neck because while I was circling her clit with my finger, I wasn’t getting her off. Oh, I could. After the night before, I knew her body.
“You want to come?”
She licked her lips, nodded.
“Too bad there’s not enough time before your daughter comes back.” My fingers stilled on her clit. “Besides, naughty girls who sneak out instead of getting a hard morning fuck don’t get to come.”
Her eyes flew open, and she stared at me, wide eyed.
“We’re going to talk, tiger, about why you didn’t trust me.”
“I… I’m going for a hike with Sierra and her friends.”
“Then it’s a good thing I like to hike. Lots of time to get to know each other.”
I kissed the tip of her nose and pulled my hand from her pussy.
She gasped. “You’re going to–”
“Mom!” Her daughter’s shout and heavy footfall carried through the closed door. “Jackson and Johnny will go unless you force kale chips on them.”
She watched as I licked my fingers of her sticky honey. Fuck, I was addicted to her sweetness. “Kale chips? Tiger, you’re the only snack I need.”
* * *
“Isn’t yoga supposed to help people be chill?” Luke asked.
I looked over my shoulder at him as we hiked the trail into the wooded hillside out of town. Sierra, Johnny, and Jackson had run ahead, only after slathering them in sunscreen and making sure they each had their water bottles.
It was the perfect summer day and it felt good to be outside. Except for the fact that I had a fifty thousand dollar ring to find. Or else.
“We do practice mindfulness through controlled and deliberate breathing,” I replied, wondering what he was getting at.
“Well, for a yoga person, you’re pretty ragey.”
WHAT? I stopped and spun around and set my hands on my hips. “Ragey?”
He reached across and rubbed his opposite arm. “You’re dangerous with shin guards,” he replied with a grin.
I rolled my eyes. “If you must know, I don’t like liars. Or someone pretending to be what they’re not.”
I’d grown up with that. Dated that.
“Tiger, my job is to pretend,” he countered.
I was well aware of that. Now.
“I also don’t like being left… unfulfilled,” I added grumpily. He’d had his hand on my clit teasing me and I’d been close. So close. I’d never had a guy get me off before, but it seemed my body knew Luke could satisfy it and I’d been right there on the edge when he stopped.