Page 52 of Billionaire Boss
I can’t.
I won’t.
Because he’s now my boss.
“It’s you,” I manage to gasp.
He walks closer.
God, he’s beautiful. Those freaking muscles under that to-die-for suit. The broad shoulders. The hint of shadow across his square jaw. Just…all man.
“You said you were from Dallas.” The accusation has a grumpy edge and the bass notes of his deep voice bring back a rush of filthy, delicious flashbacks that make me instantly wet. Damn it!
“Austin, actually,” I admit. I’d almost forgotten how ridiculously handsome he is.
“Why the fuck would you—” he starts, but the door opens with a flourish of here-I-am! energy.
Penelope walks in, chattering brightly. “I am so sorry about that little hold-up. Mr. Maddox, have you met Dusty Rose, our newest junior analyst? She’s going to be working on Evan’s team. Dusty, this is Mr. Cash Maddox, our CEO.”
Ace walks over and reaches for my hand, to shake it. His strong grip sends a thrilling little jolt up my arm and a flurry of butterflies to erupt in my stomach. Even blinded I would recognize his electrifying touch. And that scent. God, he smells good. Leather and mint and that pure, uncut man-spice that’s all Ace’s.
He’s just completely, totally intoxicating. Especially since I know what it feels like when he unleashes that gigantic orgasm-wand he’s got stuffed down his pants.
What I really want to do is to cling to his broad chest and breathe him in.
I found him!
I don’t, obviously.
Ace’s gaze holds mine. An entire silent conversation passes between us before I pull my hand from his. The loss of contact feels like an ice bath after a blazing sauna. But I have to be realistic. This is my entire career on the line.
“Dusty Rose,” he says, slowly, his eyes burning me with their intensity. “It’s a pleasure.” I can hear in those husky tones of the word “pleasure” all the intimate things he did to me. Biting. Licking. Pinning me under his weight. Groaning as he came.
“And you, Mr. Maddox.” My voice sounds steady enough, despite the chaos thumping through my heart. I need to keep this professional. I need to remember why I’m here.
“We’re glad to have you on board,” Ace says, and there’s a hint of steel behind his tone.
Fine. Good. I can play it that way. He’s right. We’ll pretend like nothing ever happened. I’m glad we can agree on that. “Thank you. I’m excited to be here.”
But then, as soon as Penelope’s back is turned, his gaze turns darker. He’s challenging me, daring me to react to him.
Penelope seems oblivious to the insane sexual tension in the air—I can only hope.
Can she tell my panties are saturated at the thought of fucking my boss right here on his mahogany desk?
Penelope clasps her hands together. “We’ve got some final contractual things to go over so we’ll leave you to it, Mr. Maddox.” I’m wondering if his tone has caused her to cut this meeting short.
Thank God. I need to get out of here before I melt into a puddle on the floor.
As we leave Ace’s office, I make a point of not glancing back at him. Which is borderline impossible. Somehow I manage to do it but I can feel his eyes on my back like laser beams.
I exhale with relief when the door closes behind us and Penelope rambles on about the office perks as we take the elevator to the upper level. I nod and smile and try to give the right responses.
We spent one night together months ago. It’s over. He’s not Ace anymore. He’s Cash Maddox.
For the sake of my career and my sanity, Cash Maddox needs to remain absolutely, totally, completely—without even considering any relapses whatsoever, at all, under any circumstances—off-limits.