Page 33 of Billionaire Boss
“Okay.” I hear Noah scribbling down my words.
“I’m on my way to the airport now. I’ll be back this afternoon.”
“Colton has some ideas,” Noah says. “Potential leads. We’ll run you through everything tonight.”
“So you think we really do have someone screwing us from the inside?”
Noah sighs. “It’s looking more and more likely, yeah. The SEC doesn’t generally make mistakes.”
“Just focus on the investors. Reassure them that we’re doing everything we can and this could just be an inconsistency in the report.”
“You and I both know it isn’t. That report was watertight.”
“Yeah. I know. The most important thing is to make sure our investors don’t lose confidence.”
“Agreed.” Noah takes a deep breath.
He sounds stressed. And tired. I shouldn’t have taken the extra day away, but I can’t regret doing it. It was the single most beautiful night of my life. Which sounds corny as fuck, but it was. If Tex hadn’t bolted, I’d have taken ten more.
Still, I hate that I’ve left Noah to deal with all this. Sure, he’s got Colton there, but our youngest brother tends to dedicate a lot of time to his bed-hopping schedule and he also tends to take life in general a lot less seriously than Noah and me.
“I’m sorry about the timing of my trip, Noah. I appreciate you holding down the fort. You’ve done a good job. As always.”
“Thanks, bro. See you tonight.”
The valet gets me a taxi and I check a few emails on the way to the airport. I respond to a couple, but I can’t concentrate. It’s an avalanche of demands that can wait until I get back to New York.
At the moment, she’s still too close to me. I glance at the cars we pass along the highway.
Could one of them be her taxi? Is it possible her flight hasn’t left yet?
For the first time in my life, the last thing on my mind is business.
It’s terrible timing considering this issue has the potential to do us some real damage, but I still can’t get myself to focus on anything but the memory of my Texan dream girl.
If only I’d asked for her fucking number.
What kind of idiot doesn’t get the actual name of a woman he finds insanely attractive, doesn’t insist she give him her number, and then make sure to find out where he can send her flowers the minute she gets back to Dallas?
I couldn’t do any of the above because I was too fucking distracted, feasting on her in every way I could.
And now she’s gone.
One night with her wasn’t enough. The non-stop hot sex marathon and multiple simultaneous orgasms didn’t get her out of my system at all. Very much the opposite, in fact. She dug herself into me with each fluttery squeeze and each delicate moan.
My need to see her again flares in me like a new addiction.
I need to fucking find her.
I start googling.
The name of the conference.
The list of companies attending.
The ones from Dallas.