Page 20 of Billionaire Boss
“I’m definitely not cut out to be catching rides,” I tell him.
Oh my god. Stop talking.
I feel myself blush, so I do my best to steer the conversation back to safe territory. “Have you surfed before?”
“Once or twice. In California.” His eyes are an unusual shade of deep, dark blue. “It was a long time ago but I do remember it was a life-changing experience. Is this your first time in Hawaii?”
“Where are you from in Texas?”
I don’t know why I do it. We’re playing games, maybe. I want to keep him guessing and protect a small distance between us before I completely lose control. Because I get the distinct feeling I’m going to. “Dallas. Born and raised.”
“Had the best barbecue of my life there once.” He’s almost wistful for a few seconds. “So, you’re here for the conference?”
“Yeah. I’m pretty new to my company, but they said it would be a good opportunity for me to learn more about how the industry works.”
“And have you?”
I pick up a cocktail umbrella that he removed from his drink and start twirling it between my fingers. I need a reprieve from the intense eye contact with this man, who’s already proving to be an absolute threat to my self-control. “The workshops have been great, really interesting, and it’s been good to push myself out of my comfort zone.”
“Where is your comfort zone?” He manages to spin the phrase into something absolutely filthy-sounding.
Definitely not being chatted up by the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen at a beach bar in Hawaii.
Damn it, Earl!
I gently bite my lip and Ace watches me do this. “Uh, well, at work, I guess. That’s where I spend most of my time. But being here has really opened my eyes to all the things I still have to learn.”
He’s watching my face and I feel myself blush again at the insinuation. I do have a lot to learn. Not just about work, but about…everything else. More than this god-like man could possibly know.
But something about the way he’s looking at me makes me feel like he does know. Almost like he can read my mind.
He could teach me.
“You’re not here for the conference?” I ask him.
“No. Not directly.”
“On vacation?”
“Not quite. I had a meeting about an investment fund I just bought.”
Bought? Then again, this doesn’t surprise me. The man radiates wealth. “So, you’re like a slightly hotter version of Warren Buffett, then?”
“Slightly hotter? Damn, Tex. You know how to keep a man’s ego in check.”
I laugh and take a long sip of wine, concentrating on how good the coolness feels as it slips down my throat. Anything to extinguish the fire this guy is igniting in my body.
He’s relaxed and in the moment.
It’s possible that he does this a lot. That fact alone should possibly be a huge red flag, but a part of me feels like there’s a lot more to him than I’m giving him credit for. He’s got a quiet, simmering depth that’s intriguing me. Usually, I would already have politely excused myself by now, but tonight I’m in no rush to get back to my room.
“So you weren’t leading any of the 101 workshops, then?” I definitely would have noticed him.
His eyes dance with mischief. “If I’d known you were in the 101 workshops, Tex, I would have been first in line to sign up.”
I smile despite myself. “You’re smooth, Ace. I’ll give you that much.”