Page 51 of Lovestruck
My mostly-naked body still hums with the after-effects of my orgasm. Softly, slowly, I run my fingers over the tattoo on his shoulder. It’s a hawk. “The Hawks were my high school team,” he explains.
Across his chest is a tattoo of a panther. It’s eerily similar to the painting I was just working on. It kind of brings home the fire we’re playing with. He loves his team. He’s tattooed its symbol across his heart.
He reads my thoughts.
“Oh no you don’t. Don’t you dare pull back from me or run from me. The only thing you need to worry about is how you feel, Zara. Let me worry about everything else.”
Another kiss obliterates my control. And the fact that he’s pulled me closer, laying back with his knees spread so I’m practically on top of him. His cock surges and another gush of moisture seeps, wetting my stomach.
And I can’t resist.
So I do it. I ease my hand around the thick length of him, pushing his unbuttoned jeans lower.
Elias groans.
I slide my palm gently along his solid length, fingering the ridge of the crown and the slippery slit.
“Oh fuck.”
I lean forward and touch my tongue to the moisture, licking lightly.
His head falls back.
So I lick him again. I put my lips around the broad end and take him deeper, sucking on him carefully.
“Zara,” he’s moaning. “Zara.”
I suck harder, putting some effort into it.
That’s when it happens. His cock starts to jerk. Warm, milky liquid floods into my mouth in jetting bursts. Hannah actually told me about this part, but I never imagined there was this much of it. I try to drink some but there’s way too much. It spills down my chin and wets my naked breasts.
I love how I did this to him. Elias is groaning my name like his heart is breaking.
More cum pumps out of him as I hold him and lick him. I can sense that this is more than something dirty and forbidden we’re doing right now. It’s a sticky bond. A dangerous one. But one I can’t get enough of. I drink more, almost perversely thirsty for him.
Whatever power Elias O’Shea has over me is profound. I can feel his addictive power inside myself, feeding me with a kind of awe that almost feels like love.
My eyes blink open, then close again. I’m so comfortable I snuggle deeper against the very warm, very big…holy shit!—quarterback. My eyes are suddenly wide open. His gigantic, muscular body is wrapped around me in a bearhug.
Oh my god.
It all comes flooding back to me.
We’re in my studio. I can tell by the light outside the window that it’s just before dawn. A throw blanket covers most of us.
We must have fallen asleep.
After he gave me several orgasms by eating me out like some kind of starving magician.
And then I proceeded to return the favor.
Very thoroughly.
Swallowing mouthfuls of his…yikes.