Page 79 of Dark Horizon Eclipse of the Heart
Frankie peeked at her from behind the doctor. "Don't let her scare you. The tiny risk is worth it when the prize is immortality. And even better, unlimited time with your hunky god."
Bridget snorted. "That's one way of putting it."
Margo shook her head. "You are both assuming that Negal and I are going to end up together. Given that we met only a day ago, I'd say that it's very premature."
"Not really," Frankie said. "Dagor and I hit it off immediately. We met only five days ago, and it feels as if I've known him for years. We are like an old couple already. Do you know what we did last night?"
Bridget cast her a stern look. "Do I want to hear that?"
"You have a dirty mind, doctor. We watched five episodes of How I Met Your Mother. Does it get any cozier than that?"
Bridget didn't look impressed. "That's only because I told you that you are not allowed to engage in strenuous physical activities. If you could, you would."
A smirk lifted one corner of Frankie's lips. "That's true. And since you are letting me go, does it mean that the prohibition is lifted?"
The doctor let out a breath. "Wait until I do the test. If you heal as fast as I think you will, then the answer is yes."
"Yay!" Frankie clapped her hands. "I can't wait to tell Dagor."
Margo envied her friend's openness and lack of sexual inhibitions. If she were more like Frankie, she could start working on her transition tonight.
But the truth was that she didn't want to rush it. As Negal had said, all good things were worth waiting for, and she preferred to let their relationship grow at a rate that felt right to her. If they were destined to be together, they should savor these early days instead of rushing them.
Negal piled two plates with cold cuts and fruit, one for him and one to bring to Margo.
His attempt at cooking her breakfast hadn't been as successful as he'd hoped, and she was probably hungry. She hadn't said anything about meeting him in the clinic or in the cabin, but he had her phone number so he could call her and tell her that he had a proper breakfast for her.
When he returned to the table, Dagor had his phone out and was reading a text. "I need to go. Bridget is releasing Frankie." He pushed to his feet.
Negal remained standing with the two plates in his hands. "Wait. Does that mean that her transition is over? I mean, the first stage?"
"No, but Bridget needs the room. Karen started transitioning."
Negal's mouth dried up in an instant. It was finally happening, but now that it was, his worry about it not starting was replaced with worry for Karen. Perhaps he should do what Dagor had done for Frankie and sneak in a blood transfusion or two?
But how could he explain even visiting Karen in the clinic?
Maybe he could use Margo as an excuse.
He could convince her that she should witness the initial stages of transition and accompany her to see Karen. He could give her the transfusion while thralling Margo not to pay attention to what he was doing.
"Are you just going to stand there?" Dagor asked. "You said that you wanted to come with me when I go back to the clinic."
Negal looked at the two plates in his hands. "You didn't pack anything for Frankie. What if she's hungry?"
Dagor frowned. "I don't know if she's allowed to eat food like this. Bridget kept her on an easy-to-digest diet. I should ask her first."
"Right." Negal followed him out of the dining room. "There is so much to learn about human physiology. Now that I'm courting Margo, I realize how little I know."
"How is that going? Is she receptive to the idea?" Dagor took the stairs instead of waiting for the elevator.
"She is." Negal smiled. "Surprisingly so."
"Why surprising?" Dagor kept up a brisk pace, indifferent to Negal's struggles to keep up while balancing the plates.