Page 71 of Dark Horizon Eclipse of the Heart
"Yes, please. And thank you for making breakfast for me. It was very kind of you."
Where did he even get eggs? She'd looked in the fridge before getting dressed for the wedding, and there had been no eggs in there.
"I was hungry, and when I sensed that you were waking up, I started on breakfast." He poured them both coffee and put the mugs on the table.
"You sensed it? How?"
He smiled sheepishly. "You stopped snoring and made this cute sound like you were stretching and yawning at the same time."
"Oh, my God." She closed her eyes. "Are you serious? I'm so embarrassed."
More like mortified. Margo rarely snored and only when she was overtired, which she had been last night.
"Why? It's natural for mortals to snore. Even gods and immortals sometimes do that, even though that shouldn't be possible. Our bodies should adjust to any condition."
He was probably just saying that to alleviate her discomfort. Perfectly healthy bodies, which the gods and immortals enjoyed, didn't snore.
"If you say so." She reached for the coffee mug and took a sip only to grimace. "Is there cream and sugar?"
"There should be." Negal pushed to his feet, opened one of the cabinets, and returned with both.
"Thank you." Margo got busy stirring two packets of sugar into her coffee and two little containers of half-and-half, buying herself time to think.
"So, did you watch any good movies last night?" she asked.
It was such a lame question, but it was the best she could do first thing in the morning while sitting in a sheer nightgown and robe across from a god who had heard her snoring and had made her breakfast.
"After I came back last night, I watched the live streaming of the wedding while eating dinner, and then I fell asleep. I still have a plateful of food for you in the fridge, so if you don't like my eggs, I can warm it up for you in the microwave."
"Did you get the eggs last night, too?"
He nodded. "I was in the kitchen, waiting for one of the cooks to prepare plates to go for us, and I thought about our conversation. I asked her if I could have some eggs and butter, and she packed both for me."
"That was nice of her." Margo scooped some on her fork and brought it to her mouth.
The eggs were cold, and they needed more salt, but it was the thought that mattered, and Negal was looking at her expectantly.
"They are very good." She washed them down with a sip of coffee.
"You don't have to lie to spare my feelings." He pinned her with his incredibly blue stare. "Truth shall set you free."
Damn. He remembered her saying that to him.
"They are not bad. It's just that they've gotten cold, and I like a little more salt on my eggs."
He smiled. "Now, that was the truth."
She eyed him from under lowered lashes. "Am I that transparent, or can you read my mind?"
"I can't read your mind," Negal said. "And you are probably not transparent to other humans, but I'm good at detecting emotions, especially when they are strong. Although, in the case of the eggs, your face said it all."
"So, I am transparent." Margo cradled her coffee mug, looking at him from over its rim.
Repeating that word was making it hard for him to keep his eyes on her face. Her damn nightgown and robe combo were so transparent that he could see the color of her nipples through both layers of flimsy fabric, but he refused to look where she didn't want him to look. Margo seemed very self-conscious about her state of dress, or rather undress, and he'd already embarrassed her enough by mentioning her snoring.