Page 58 of Dark Horizon Eclipse of the Heart
Another piece of the puzzle fell into place.
It was like in the vampire stories. The vampires had fangs, and they drank blood, but in order to turn a human into a vampire, they forced the human to drink their blood, which was venomous.
Margo lifted a hand. "Hold on. Are you telling me that the venom is needed for the transition?"
"That's what I've been told," Negal said. "I've also witnessed the transitions of Aru and Dagor's mates, so I know that it works."
"You didn't know about it before?"
Negal shook his head. "We didn't even know that immortals existed. Gods are not supposed to procreate with the created species. It's forbidden, but the gods who were exiled to Earth broke the rules. We found out what they had done when we found the immortals."
That was a side of the story she hadn't heard from her friends. Had they omitted that on purpose? In the same way that they had omitted mentioning the fangs and venom that were needed for the transition?
"I think I need to have a long talk with Mia and Frankie. They left a lot out of the story they told me."
"You can do that, or I can tell you what I know."
Negal felt bad for laughing, but it was funny the way she'd tried to avoid saying semen, and her joke about the one-eyed trouser snake was hilarious.
He had never heard that expression before, but he could see how it came to be. Humans had many derogatory names for the male organ, and this one wasn't half bad.
"It doesn't seem like you know much," Margo said. "And I think that Frankie and Mia don't know enough either. I think I should talk to the doctor."
He nodded. "That's a good idea. Maybe we can talk to her together?"
Margo narrowed her eyes at him. "Why do you want to talk to her?"
"If I am to induce your transition, I should know everything there is to know about the process."
He felt guilty about not telling her that he had participated in an induction before and that he probably knew all there was to know about it, but it wasn't his secret to reveal.
"Wait." She lifted her hand. "What do you mean by inducing my transition? Why would you be the one to do it, and how?"
"Isn't that obvious?"
"Now you are the one answering a question with a question. Can you just be straight with me?"
Gabi had told him to woo Margo as if she were a virgin, and given her attitude toward anything that had to do with sex, Gabi had been right.
Could it be that a woman her age was indeed still a virgin? If she was, he had no idea how to talk to her about all of this or how to even approach her.
For some reason, humans were touchy about female virginity, and some even thought that it was a big prize, but to him, it meant inexperience, and it wasn't something he wanted to deal with. He preferred females who knew precisely what they wanted.
"I shouldn't have brought it up yet." Negal rubbed a hand over the back of his neck. "It's not something I'm comfortable discussing with you so early in our relationship. You seem more…how should I say it, traditional than other human females I've been with."
"I'm not a prude, which is what I think you are trying to say."
He arched a brow. "The one-eyed trouser snake term is funny, but it also suggests that you are uncomfortable talking about things pertaining to sex."
"Try me." She looked at him with a challenge in her eyes.
"Are you sure?"