Page 53 of Dark Horizon Eclipse of the Heart
"Wendy and Vlad, may your love continue to be a source of strength and inspiration to you and all who know and care for you. May you face every challenge with the knowledge that together, there is nothing you cannot overcome. And may your love, so beautifully begun, only deepen and grow stronger in the years to come. May your life together be filled with joy, growth, and endless adventures."
As the crowd cheered, the goddess waited patiently until they were done and then smiled at Wendy and Vlad. "Before I pronounce you partners for life, would you like to recite your vows to each other?"
Vlad nodded. "We would, Clan Mother."
Vlad had agonized over his vows to Wendy for weeks. He'd even considered painting her a picture that would express his feelings better than anything he could verbalize, or writing a musical piece that would touch her soul, but tradition demanded that he put his feelings into words, and that was also what Wendy expected.
Looking at him with her chocolate brown eyes, so full of love and warmth, she gave his hand a gentle squeeze in encouragement.
He returned the squeeze and took a deep breath.
"Wendy, my love, the other half of my soul. Standing here with you today is a culmination of a journey that has taught us the true meaning of strength, trust, and love. When I met you, I saw a reflection of my own fears and insecurities but also an incredible resilience. Your courage to face a past that tried to dim your bright spirit has inspired me to do the same and embrace our future with open arms.
"I've learned from you that vulnerability isn't a weakness but a gateway to genuine connection. Today, I vow to be your sanctuary and your partner in every adventure that lies ahead. I promise to listen with an open heart, to understand beyond words, to support you in every challenge, and to celebrate with you in every victory.
"I vow to love you for all that you are and all that you're yet to become, embracing every layer of you. I promise to be your confidant, your ally, and your greatest supporter. Together, we will build a future where fear has no stronghold, where love triumphs, and where our shared dreams become our reality. Wendy, you are my heart's echo, a reminder that even in our darkest moments, love can shine bright. I choose you today, and I'll choose you every day for the rest of our lives. Let's kick fear in the ass together and step into our destiny, hand in hand, heart in heart."
Seeing the tears brimming in her eyes, he leaned down and kissed her softly on the lips.
"Now comes the ring part." He removed the simple gold band from his little finger and slid it over her ring finger. "I, Vlad, son of Stella and Vrog, pledge myself to you, Wendy, daughter of Margaret and adopted daughter of Bowen." He lifted the hand with the ring he'd just put on her finger and kissed it.
"That was beautiful," she whispered.
"Thank you," he whispered back.
Patting the corners of her eyes with her fingers, Wendy took a shuddering breath.
"Vlad, my love, my soul, my far better half. In the tapestry of my life, every thread has been woven with caution, every color shaded with the past's scars. Yet, in the palette of your love, I found hues of understanding and acceptance that I never knew existed. Today, I stand before you, not just as the woman you've come to love, but as a testament to the transformative power of your kindness and patience.
"You have shown me that the shadows of my past do not define the light of our future together. With every fear you've soothed and every insecurity you've quelled, you've gifted me a strength I thought was beyond my reach. For that, and for so much more, I am eternally grateful.
"I vow to embrace the vulnerability that comes with love and to trust not just in you but in this incredible community that has accepted me and embraced me despite the sins of my past. I promise to support you, to uplift you, and to remind you of your worth, just as you have done for me. In your eyes, I've seen the reflection of a woman I will always aspire to become, one who dares to love, to hope, and to dream, and who is no longer a slave to fear.
"As we journey through life together, I commit to growing alongside you and contributing to our shared story with every beat of my heart. I vow to listen with empathy, to speak with honesty, and to act with compassion, ensuring that our home is always a haven of peace and understanding.
"You've taught me that love is not just a feeling but that it is also an action, a decision to stand by someone through the ebbs and flows of life. So, I choose you today and every day as my partner, my confidant, and my friend. In your love, I've found the courage to face tomorrow with a smile, to believe in the goodness within us, and to step into our future with confidence. You are my light, my love, and my life. I vow to always be by your side, as your wife, your partner, and your best friend, through all that life brings our way."
Smiling, Wendy removed the ring she had worn on her thumb and put it on Vlad's ring finger. "I, Wendy, daughter of Margaret and adopted daughter of Bowen, pledge myself to you, Vlad, son of Stella and Vrog."
The Clan Mother extended her hands to the two of them, and as Wendy put her hand in the goddess's tiny one, it felt like getting zapped with a boost of energy.
"By the power the Fates vested in me, I now pronounce you bonded mates. Vlad, you may kiss the bride, and Wendy, you may kiss the groom." Annani laughed, the sound raising goosebumps on Wendy's arms. "There is no tradition that cannot be improved on."
As the crowd erupted in cheers, hoots, and applause, Vlad wrapped his arms around Wendy and lifted her so he was looking up into her smiling face. "Kiss me, my love."
As Margo watched the glowing goddess on top of the podium, she had to remind herself to stop gaping.
Toven, Aru, Negal, and Dagor called themselves gods, but they were aliens who used the term god to describe themselves as creators. They looked human, only better, and it was easy to forget that they were something else. However, there was no doubt that the petite, glowing, angelic beauty was the real thing. She might not be a deity, but Margo was sure she had unimaginable powers that far surpassed what the other so-called gods could do.
Suddenly, she was reminded of the odd comment that Negal had made when she'd told him that he was as bright as an angel. He'd said that he wasn't bright and didn't have a glow because he wasn't royal. At the time, Margo had thought that he might have meant it metaphorically, and she'd said that royals didn't glow, and to that, he'd replied that they did where he came from. When she'd asked him where that was, he'd said Portugal, which had obviously been a lie.