Page 44 of Dark Horizon Eclipse of the Heart
"I'm glad. I mean, I'm not glad that you have a condition. I'm glad that you are taking care of yourself." Marina walked over to the fridge and pulled out two Cokes. "Do you want one?"
"No, thanks. I'll get a bottle of water."
Marina pulled one out and handed it to Jasmine. "It's a shame that something so beautiful is a sign of things not working right. Your eyes are mesmerizing."
Jasmine's smile was tight. "Not everyone thinks of them that way. I've been called a witch on more than one occasion. People are weird and sometimes even dangerous."
Marina's stomach twisted painfully again. "Why? What did they do to you?"
Jasmine shook her head. "Never mind. It was a long time ago." She threaded her arm through Marina's. "I'm excited about giving you a makeover. I will turn you into a ravishing beauty for this wedding. Not that you are not beautiful already, but there is always room for improvement, right?"
Marina laughed. "Are you my fairy godmother?"
That seemed to please Jasmine. "I sure am. But instead of a magic wand, I wield a magic makeup brush." She waved with her hand.
"Do you happen to have glass slippers by any chance? Because I need shoes too."
Jasmine glanced at her feet. "I don't have glass slippers. But how about Gucci?"
"What's that?"
Jasmine frowned. "Where did you come from that you've never heard of Gucci?" She waved a hand. "Never mind, that was a stupid question. You are from Russia, like everyone else down here. It's just that your English is so good that I almost didn't notice the accent."
"Thank you. I worked very hard on that."
"Good for you." Jasmine clapped her on the back. "As the saying goes, when in Rome, you should speak Italian, right?"
"I guess so."
Negal adjusted his black bowtie, so its center was precisely aligned with the buttons of his white shirt, tugged on the lapels of his jacket, and looked at his shoes to make sure they were polished.
Why was he paying so much attention to his appearance when he intended not to move from the table and to slink away as soon as it was polite to do so?
He'd been a fool to let Gabi convince him to go.
Frankie had probably already introduced Margo to Max and seeing them together on the dance floor was going to slay him.
Not to mention that seeing Gertrude would make him feel like a worm. How the hell was he going to make it up to her? Find her a Dormant male and bring him to her spread out on a silver platter?
That was probably a task even more difficult than finding the missing Kra-ell pods. If only there was a way to identify humans with the right genes, it would make things so much easier for these people.
Except, the Fates probably liked it that way. According to the lore, prayers were the currency the Fates dealt in, and what better way to get a rainfall of prayers than to have a clan of people desperate for mates?
It was all a bunch of nonsense that a hardened trooper like him had no business indulging in. Seeing his two buddies so happy with their mates must have softened him and made him subconsciously wistful.
As he heard the front door to the cabin open, Negal frowned. Aru and Gabi should be at the wedding already, Dagor was spending the night at the clinic, and no one else was supposed to have access to their cabin.
It could be the cleaning crew, but he doubted they were providing services at night.
Frowning, he walked out of his room. "Why are you back?" he asked Aru while Gabi ducked into their bedroom. "Did you forget something?"
"Gabi is getting shoes for Margo. She has nothing of her own to change into." Aru looked him over. "You look good, especially given how bad you looked before we left."