Page 36 of Dark Horizon Eclipse of the Heart
"Oh." Jasmine's face fell. "That's a shame. I hoped to live vicariously through you and get all the juicy details about what's going on upstairs. Talk about feeling like Cinderella, except I'm not invited to the ball, and there is no prince waiting for me."
Margo laughed. "Maybe I can tell you about the decorations and the food at the wedding. Not everything is strictly confidential."
"Please do." Jasmine leaned back against the fluffy couch cushions. "It's not bad down here. I like the casual setting, and the people are nice. It's good that I know a thing or two about Russians, though, so their sourpuss expressions don't scare me. I know they are not mean and that it's cultural."
Margo frowned. "I didn't notice any sourpusses."
"That's because you are an upstairs lady. They are playing nice with you. They gave me the stink eye aplenty when I walked into the lounge, but I know how to work a crowd. I had them eating out of my hand in no time."
"I bet."
Jasmine tilted her head. "So, what's the deal with you and Negal? He seemed really into you, and you weren't indifferent to him."
The second part was true, but regrettably, the first one was not.
"He was just being chivalrous. He's not interested in me. Besides, Frankie told me that he takes a different woman to his bed every night. That's not the kind of guy I'm interested in."
Jasmine leaned closer to her. "Then reform the rogue. Isn't that what all the historical romance novels are about? The lord with the kinky tastes entertains all the loose ladies of the town and then falls for the blushing virgin, who turns out to have kinky tastes herself, and they live happily ever after."
Laughter bubbled up from Margo's chest. "What kind of books have you been reading?"
"I just told you. Historical romance novels."
"You did. I just can't believe you read that nonsense."
Looking offended, Jaz leaned away. "Oh, yeah? What kind of books do you read? Pride and Prejudice? War and Peace? Anna Karenina?"
"Touché. I've read all the books you mentioned and many more classics, but what I read for fun are shifter romances," Margo admitted. "Dragon shifters are my guilty pleasure."
"That's why you knew so much about all the dragon adventures that Perfect Match offers."
Margo nodded. "I know a lot about all the adventures, not just those with dragons. I tried to learn as much as I could before coming here. I really want this job."
Jasmine frowned. "I thought that it was in the bag."
"I only signed a nondisclosure agreement. I've not been offered a contract yet."
"You'll get it." Jaz patted her thigh. "Don't forget to put in a good word for me. I would love to be part of this world."
Margo's gut clenched. "I will."
Unless by some miracle Jasmine was also a dormant carrier of godly genes, she would never be part of this world, but that didn't mean she couldn't work for Perfect Match Studios out in the human world.
First, though, Margo needed to find out if she had what it took to remain here. She still didn't know if she possessed the godly genes or how those genes were activated.
Kian stood in front of the closet and debated whether he should put his tux on. The wedding was starting in about an hour, but he still had to stop by Turner's cabin, which was their makeshift war room's new location, and get an update from the team who had just returned from Modana's estate.
"Are you debating which tux to put on?" Syssi asked quietly from the bed.
Allegra had already been asleep when he'd returned to the cabin, and Syssi had joined him in bed for a short nap, which had been delightful even though he'd only held her in his arms.
"I'm debating whether to put the tux on now or after the meeting in Turner's cabin."
She frowned. "Why are you having another meeting? Did something happen while we were asleep?"