Page 28 of Dark Horizon Eclipse of the Heart
"Ain't no mountain high enough..." she sang quietly.
"What was that?" Bridget asked.
"Oh, nothing. I was just reminded of a song."
It had been such a relief not to run into the nurse, but Margo felt ridiculous for thinking that way. She had no reason to feel animosity toward the immortal just because she was Negal's date. It wasn't as if she wanted to take her place.
No, thank you.
Margo didn't do hookups or one-night stands, and she stayed away from players. Male bimbos was a better term.
What was the point of sleeping with a different woman every night?
It was devoid of any emotional connection and therefore reduced sex to an animalistic level.
Not her thing.
Not now and not ever. It was either the whole nine yards or nothing.
Besides, Negal wasn't interested in her that way, which was a good thing. Margo would have hated having to deflect his advances after he'd come to her rescue like an avenging angel.
How could a guy be so perfect in some ways and so imperfect in others? Maybe it was nature's way of balancing things. If Negal were perfect in every way, he would be a god…
Ugh. He was a damn god. Margo let out a sound that was part sigh and part groan. Perhaps she was already in a Perfect Match virtual adventure? It must have started yesterday when she'd met Jasmine, and it was still going, but who was her partner in the game?
It had to be Negal because she hadn't met anyone else who could fit the bill of a romantic interest.
The clinic door banging open startled her from her musings, and for a moment, she wondered if it was also part of the simulation, but as the dark-haired male with a wild look in his blue eyes walked in, she knew who he was from Frankie's descriptions, and she also knew that it didn't make sense for her besties and their boyfriends to be part of the virtual fantasy.
She'd read enough about it to know that the program didn't work that way.
Doug, or rather Dagor, had smeared makeup on his face and was wearing dirty clothing, but she knew the reason was an unsuccessful attempt at camouflaging his unnatural beauty. Otherwise, she would have thought he was a vagrant.
A gorgeous vagrant despite his ugly makeup and haggard appearance.
"Hi, Dagor. You can't go in right now. Doctor Bridget is examining Frankie."
He stopped with his hand on the handle and turned around, his eyes widening as if he'd just noticed she was there. "Margo?"
"In the flesh." She offered him her hand. "It's nice to finally meet you."
"Welcome to the clan." He shook her hand. "How much were you told?"
It was a great opportunity to get some information out of the guy. Getting men talking was always easier than women. They were much less guarded around the so-called weaker sex.
Ha, the joke was on them.
"A lot and not enough," she said. "What's the deal with the venom in Frankie's system that Doctor Bridget mentioned? What's that all about?"
He swallowed, and his eyes darted to the side as if he were looking for a poster that would tell him how to answer that. "I'm really not the one who should be telling you about it."
"Then who?"
"Frankie, Mia, Negal. Even Bridget would be better than me."