Page 26 of Dark Horizon Eclipse of the Heart
"I can do that."
Frankie turned to look at Margo over her shoulder. "I know you can. I'm so glad that you are finally here. And Negal is not your only option if you don't like him. I told you about Max. He's the Guardian who led the team that took over Modana's mansion, and he's hot."
"I didn't say that I didn't like Negal. What's not to like? But he's not interested in me."
"Are you sure about that?"
"Pretty sure. He's taking Gertrude to the wedding tonight."
"So, he's seeing someone."
"Pfft." Frankie waved a dismissive hand. "He's a player. He probably shags a different female each night."
"Then you are right. I'm not interested in him. You know my opinion about players."
"My wayward patient," Bridget greeted Frankie with a wry smile. "I've been waiting for you."
The doctor wore a white coat that was open, revealing a sundress with an above-the-knee hemline and a large white flower print over a yellow background. It was a very cheerful outfit for such a serious woman.
Frankie smiled sweetly. "Hi, doctor. This is my friend Margo. Margo, this is Doctor Bridget. My jailer."
Shaking her head, Bridget offered Margo her hand. "Welcome aboard, Margo. How far down the rabbit hole have you fallen so far?"
Margo chuckled. "Pretty far. My head is spinning, but that could be a withdrawal symptom. I was injected with a drug to relax me so I wouldn't panic over being abducted and about to be gifted to a cartel boss's brother."
Bridget's expression turned from amused to concerned, two creases making an appearance between her red eyebrows. "Do you know what they injected you with?"
It should have occurred to her to have Kalugal ask Alberto what was in the syringe, but it hadn't, and now it was probably too late. "I have no prior experience with drugs, so I can't tell you which one it was, but my fellow abductee thinks it was heroin."
"How long ago were you injected?" Bridget asked.
"It was very early this morning."
"How did it feel?"
"Too damn good." Margo sighed. "At first, it was an intense rush, and I felt like floating. I was so happy, even euphoric, and that's unlike me." She looked at Frankie. "My friends can attest that's not my natural state."
Frankie nodded. "Margo is a bit crusty, and she sees a conspiracy around every corner."
Margo snorted. "I didn't see this one coming." She waved a hand around. "Although given that I believe our government is hiding contact with aliens, discovering that immortals and gods live among us is not so far-fetched. After all, the gods are aliens, and the immortals are part human and part god. The funny thing is that our government has no clue that either exists. Or does it?"
Bridget's face brightened. "We fly under the radar, so to speak. I'm glad that your mind seems to be working just fine despite the onset of withdrawal, but you might not have been hit with it yet. Do you feel anxious or restless?"
"I do, but I don't think it's the drug's effect. As you noted so aptly before, I fell down one hell of a rabbit hole, and I'm still reeling from the rebound."
"Yes, that's understandable." Bridget regarded her with curious eyes. "Any sweating, runny nose, or excessive yawning?"
"Good. You are not out of the woods yet, but you'll probably be fine. If you experience nausea, muscle pain, bone pain, or any other flu-like symptoms in the next twenty-four to seventy-two hours, it might be withdrawal. If it gets really uncomfortable, come see me, and I'll give you something to help with the symptoms."
"Thank you."