Page 24 of Dark Horizon Eclipse of the Heart
As Marina sifted through Larisa's stuff, she had to agree with her roommate that there was nothing in her closet she could use.
She sat on her bed and sighed. "My only other option is Sofia, but I feel weird about asking her. She's one of them now."
Larisa turned to look at her. "If you can date one of them, you can ask one of them to lend you a dress, but Sofia is so skinny that nothing of hers will fit you."
Pretending to be mad, Marina tossed a pillow at her roommate. "Are you calling me fat?"
"You're not fat." Larisa tossed the pillow back. "But Sofia is a twig. She has the body of a tall twelve-year-old girl."
"It's her Kra-ell genes. She has their body shape."
"And yet, that immortal fell in love with her. What's his name?"
"Yeah. He's okay. I hope your Peter is also a decent guy."
"He is very nice."
Larisa arched a brow. "Then what are you doing with him? You don't date nice guys." She snorted. "We all know that Nico is a jerk."
"I'm turning over a new leaf." Marina pushed to her feet. "Besides, it's probably only going to last until the end of the cruise. After that, Peter goes back to his village, and I go back to Safe Haven." She let out a breath. "But I'm not going to worry about that. Right now, I need to find a dress."
"That should do it," Toven said after reciting a long and detailed list of all the things that Margo wasn't allowed to talk about with anyone who was not immortal.
"What about Lisa and the other kids who are still human?" Margo asked. "Mia told me that the girls can't transition until they are adults, but she didn't tell me why it's different for the boys."
As bizarre as Mia's initial overview of the story of gods and immortals had been, it had been well organized, but after that, they had been jumping from one subject to the next, and even though Margo was starting to get a picture of what was going on, she was well aware of the huge gaps in information that still needed to be filled in.
Toven took another sip of his coffee. "Let's leave some details for another time. If you try to learn everything there is about us in one sitting, your head will explode."
Margo's head was just fine. Given the number of startling revelations she'd received in the span of three hours, she was doing quite well, if she said so herself. Not to mention that she was diving into this rabbit hole after having just experienced a terrifying ordeal.
To be frank, though, it hadn't been all that frightening because she'd been drugged, but still, she'd been through a lot, and she was doing great. She was probably coasting on a wave of adrenaline and would crash soon, but for now, she was good.
She shook her head. "I still can't believe that you are a god and that you are seven thousand years old. You don't look a day over thirty-three."
"Thank you." He put his mug down and rose to his feet. "We should start getting ready for the wedding, and Frankie needs to return to the clinic, or Bridget will send Guardians to drag her back there."
Turning to look at Frankie, Margo winced. She looked like she was about to fall asleep. "I'll take you there, and then I'll go check on Jasmine."
Frankie didn't put up a fight. "I hoped to attend the wedding tonight, but I'm exhausted. I'm surprised that Dagor hasn't come looking for me yet. He came to the clinic straight from the field, and then I came up here, and he was supposed to have a short meeting with Aru and Negal and come back to shower and change."
"He probably fell asleep in Aru's cabin," Toven said.
Frankie yawned. "Can you check on him? I hate to think of him sleeping on the couch in his dirty clothes and makeup caked on his face."
"Makeup?" Margo asked.
"It was to camouflage their good looks," Frankie said. "Negal had some on as well."
"He didn't. He was holding me in his arms, and my face was inches away from his. I would have noticed if he had makeup on. He must have washed it off." Margo frowned. "He also said that he had contact lenses that bothered him, and now I know that he lied about it. Why would he do that?"
Hiding a smile, Toven cleared his throat. "You will have to ask him about it when you see him." He turned to Frankie. "I'll check on Dagor and tell him to go shower and get changed. You should get some rest, though, so you can at least attend the next wedding."