Page 81 of Dark Horizon New Dawn
Kalugal shifted his gaze to the other woman, still kneeling with her hands over her head. “Jasmine, you are free to move as you wish.”
The woman got to her feet and trained a pair of large brown eyes on him that were a little unfocused and glazed over. “How did you know my name?”
Kalugal smiled. “A little birdie told me.” He turned to look at the human male kneeling a couple of feet away. “Is that your scumbag boyfriend?”
“He’s not my boyfriend,” Jasmine said. “But he is a scumbag.” She giggled. “Why am I not mad at him? I should be fuming. It’s the damn drugs.” She giggled again. “Who are you?”
Kalugal smiled. “If I were single, I would tell you that I'm your knight in shining armor, but I'm taken, so you can think of me as the nice guy who came to rescue Margo and you. You can call me Kevin."
Negal didn't know why Kalugal was bothering with a fake name. In a few hours, Jasmine would board the ship and hear everyone calling him Kalugal.
"Nice to meet you, Kevin." She gave him a dazzling smile. "Are you with the ship that was supposed to pick up Margo in Cabo?"
"Yes, we are."
"Then I'll happily take your offer and hitch a ride back home with you." She turned her eyes to the chopper. "But I don't know whether I want to get there in that."
"You will not." Kalugal patted her shoulder. "We are staying on the yacht for now."
"Because I have work to do." He pointed his finger at Alberto. "You, get up and follow me."
The scumbag rose to his feet like his body was obeying Kalugal's commands and not his own, which was precisely what was happening.
Compulsion was such a useful tool. No wonder the Eternal King hoarded it for his family. The excuse was that compulsion ability couldn't be genetically engineered, but that was just one more lie in the many lies the king was spreading. Everything could be boiled down to genetics, including intelligence and even sexual proclivities.
Jasmine turned to look at him. "Where is he taking Alberto?"
"Don't worry. He's not going to kill him."
"I'm not worried. I'm just curious."
Negal had a feeling that Jasmine was incapable of worrying about anything in her drugged state. "Kevin is going to have a talk with all the men."
"Oh." She walked over and sat down on one of the other outdoor armchairs. "You and Kevin are such gorgeous men. You could play the roles of knights in movies." She crossed her long, tanned legs.
Was she flirting with him? Usually, when women commented on his looks, it was to hint that they were interested.
"I'm taken too," he said.
"I wasn't trying to flirt with you." She giggled. "That's a lie. I totally was. She's a lucky girl, but she might get jealous when she finds out you were holding another woman in your arms like she was your most precious possession."
What in the seven hells was he supposed to say to that?
He wasn't really taken, was he?
And if he was, it was by the woman in his arms, who didn't even know that he existed.
Negal swallowed. "It's fine." The expression covered a lot of different situations, and he hoped it was good enough for this one as well.
Jasmine shifted her eyes to Margo. "Is she okay? Maybe you should take her to see a doctor?"
"Kevin said that she would be fine. She just needs a few moments."
Jasmine tilted her head. "Is Kevin a doctor?"
"No, he's not." Negal tightened his hold on Margo.