Page 36 of Dark Horizon New Dawn
"Eva doesn't have her chest of professional makeup and costumes with her," Amanda said. "How does she hope to create the illusion with what's available to her?"
Kian turned to look at Brundar and Callie walking hand in hand toward the dance floor. "Eva said that she could do it with regular makeup, padding, and coaching on how to act. I assume she means walking hunched over, maybe shuffling a little, but it shouldn't be overdone because it will look obvious."
"What about Margo?" Syssi asked. "They don't know who she is, only that we are supposed to pick up a woman from the hotel. We should tell her to take a taxi to the airport and collect her from there."
That was actually a pretty good idea, and it was much simpler than what he had in mind, which was picking up Margo at a mall or a coffee shop. That still didn't solve the problem of getting her on the ship with the Doomers watching. If he were in their shoes, he would have counted the number of passengers leaving the ship and compared it to the number of those who returned. If there was an excess of one, that would prompt them to further investigate the Silver Swan, including boarding it.
There was another problem that he hadn't considered before. If any of the Doomers were lurking nearby, they could sense the immortal males. Still, if only females went ashore, that would appear suspicious as well. Hopefully, they would be watching from some distance. The alarm only worked in close proximity.
"I should tell Mia to contact Margo and tell her what the plan is." He pushed to his feet. "The question is how to explain that to a human who doesn't know who we are."
"Let Mia worry about that," Amanda said. "She can invent some story about the cartels."
"Can't it wait?" Syssi took his hand. "I want to join Brundar and Callie on the dance floor."
"There is no rush." He tugged on her hand. "In fact, it can wait for tomorrow morning. We've slowed down, so we will only get to Cabo in the evening, and Mia will have plenty of time to tell Margo what to do."
Syssi rewarded him with a bright smile. "It would be nice to have at least one night to just enjoy ourselves."
"I couldn't agree more." He led his wife to where several other couples were dancing. "Did I tell you already how stunningly beautiful you look tonight?" He put one hand on her waist and took her hand in the other.
"Yes, you did." She followed his waltz steps. "Several times. You look very handsome tonight as well, my love."
"It's the same tux I wore to the other weddings."
"You've looked dashing every night, but you need to wear your other tux for the upcoming weddings."
He looked down at his pants. "Why? Did I get stains on this one?"
She laughed. "No, but it's no longer in immaculate condition. It's time for a fresh one."
"As you wish, my darling." He dipped his head and kissed her cheek, only because she was wearing lipstick, and he didn't want to mess it up.
Not yet, anyway. Once the wedding was over and they were back in their cabin, he planned to mess up a lot more than just her lipstick.
Syssi chuckled. "I love that lopsided smile of yours. Are you thinking the same thing I'm thinking?"
"That depends on what you were thinking."
"You go first."
He pulled her closer against his chest and whispered in her ear, "I was thinking about messing up your lipstick."
Syssi laughed. "That's all? I was expecting something much naughtier."
He lowered his hand and gave her ass a loving squeeze. "I didn't say how I was going to mess it up."
Predictably, her cheeks pinked. "And how is that?" She licked her lips.
"I think you've got the right idea."
As the vows were concluded and Brundar kissed Callie, Peter cheered and clapped with everyone else, but his eyes scanned the hall for Marina. None of the servers were out, though, and he remembered that they wouldn't be allowed into the event hall until Annani departed.
The Clan Mother never stayed long during the celebrations, usually retreating to her quarters after the ceremony was over, so it wouldn't be long before the servers would start delivering trays of food.