Page 20 of Dark Horizon New Dawn
Kian was grateful for Kalugal's foresight in calling himself Kevin Gunter. His real name would have been a dead giveaway and endangered all of them more than the incident with the Doomers.
Navuh had never truly believed that his son had died in WW2, and he had been searching for Kalugal for decades. He would have sent half of the Brotherhood to look for him.
His cousin turned to him. "Those were all the passengers in Luis's vehicle. I must have forgotten to erase that from his memory."
"Did Rufsur call himself Rufus?" Kian asked.
Kalugal nodded. "We wanted all the names to sound American, and I had a little fun with playing my favorite alter ego, Professor Gunter. There isn't much they can learn from these names. They are all common."
"They know the name of the hotel in Cabo," Kian pointed out.
"Right." Kalugal turned to the prisoner. "What did your superiors tell you to do with the information?"
"That doesn't sound right," Kalugal said. "Tell me precisely what your superiors told you to do?"
"They told me to lure the immortals into a trap, catch them, and interrogate them to find out where the rest of them were hiding. After I got that information out of them, I was supposed to hold them captive until my superiors verified the information and wait for further instructions."
"To kill us," Kian said.
The Doomer nodded. "They might have wanted to bring you to the island."
"What about the kidnapped women?" Kalugal asked.
"They were a secondary consideration. We could always get more from other villages. You were the big fish we were told to catch."
Kian's blood boiled in his veins when he imagined another slaughter of innocent villagers and the violation of women and children, but he forced himself not to react. The Doomer would die soon, but before that, they needed to get every morsel of information out of him.
"What are your superiors' plans regarding Cabo?" Kalugal asked.
"I don't know. They didn't tell me."
"Do you know or suspect that they will send a team to the hotel in Cabo?" Kalugal asked.
"When we don't report back, I suspect that they will. They will also send a team to Acapulco to investigate what happened to us."
Jasmine returned with two cans of Coke and handed one to Margo. "How come you are not partying with your friends tonight?"
Margo frowned. "Have you been watching me?"
"It was hard not to notice your group, and you stuck out like a sore thumb."
"What do you mean?" Margo popped the can open and took a grateful sip.
Jasmine sat down and popped hers. "While the others were chatting, getting drunk, and flirting with the waiters, you were reading. The only reason I know you were with them is because I overheard you talking with that lady with the Gucci slides."
"That was Lynda, my future sister-in-law. It's her bachelorette party."
"Makes sense." Jaz took a sip of her Coke.
"How come I didn't notice you?" Margo asked. "You're hard to overlook."
Jaz chuckled. "It's the hat. I turn invisible when I'm wearing it. Besides, I only got here two days ago, and yesterday, I didn't spend much time at the pool. Alberto took me to the city for lunch and then shopping. After that, he left me alone in our suite and didn't return until late at night. He said something about visiting a friend and playing poker, but it sounded like a brush-off. When I told him so, he got angry, accusing me of being irrational and ungrateful after the good times he showed me, and then he left. He didn't return until morning."