Page 1 of Dragon's Secret Baby Surprise
Chapter One
I am walking up the snowy mountainside, remembering how my family thought about my traveling adventures. I had been going out exploring for years, since I was old enough to walk, and this is the last time I will be able to go. They all wanted me to find a nice man and have a family. The elders are always telling stories of how they all used to go off to other villages and pick from a group of boys to choose a husband from, but that hasn't been done in many generations. Now, the boys in the village stay and find a wife within their village. My parents told me it would be alright if I did not go out and find a husband.
I have been religiously trying to explore the world before settling down. This is the last of the mountains to go and see. Once I have finished here, I will return to the village and find a place with my aunt, who owns a store. She told me she would keep the job open for me, so I would have a way to make money, and I was grateful for it. I know the store will bring in a lot of money and business because my aunt is the most respected elder in the village, and I have helped her run it since I was little.
I didn't think that I would have a lot to worry about when coming up here. No one has ever dared to hike these mountains in fear of what would happen to them. I don't care about the stories of the dragon. If he is real... Well, I guess I will face him head-on. If it means never having to see him, then that is the life I want to live.
It is getting dark out. I don't have any equipment for setting up a camp, so I am hoping to find a place to hide out for the night. I find a place near a ledge and a bunch of large rocks. I climb between the rocks and lay down, covering myself with the small blanket I have packed with me. It was not very warm, but it would help a little.
As I try to make myself comfortable, I can't help but think that something is watching me. I look up, kind of expecting to see another human, but then I see its bright, glowing silver eyes from the ledge. My breath catches in my throat as I try to think of something to say.
"Uh... hello." I say softly. "I don't mean any harm; I am just trying to stay the night before I go home tomorrow. I have seen everything I need to see."
I'm surprised when the dragon answers me back. His voice is deep and loud, and I can hear him just fine even though he is still far away. "I do not allow anyone to wander around on my mountain."
I realize then that I have come face to face with a dragon shifter. I thought them to be extinct from everything that I have been told but I was wrong, I couldn't believe it. Is he going to hurt me? Will I just die? I have so much that I want to do with my life... I don't want to die. I feel a tear slide down my cheek as I realize what I have done. I didn't know that there was a dragon shifter living in these mountains.
"Don't cry, female." He says softly, his voice a little kinder now. "I will not kill you. Just leave before sunrise."
"Oh..." I say, trying to wipe away the tears as quickly as they come. "Thank you. Thank you so much. I have never meant to offend or hurt anyone, and I am so sorry."
He's watching me curiously, "you're a strange human. All the humans I have met were... Let's just say, cold and cruel."
I'm not sure what he means by that, but I know the human race has not been very kind. I feel a little hurt by the comment, but I know I can't really defend my race. I don't know what the rest of the world is like. I have only lived in my village and never traveled until I was a teenager.
"I'm sorry." That is all I can think to say. "But... I am not like the rest of the humans."
He laughs a little, "That much is true."
It's strange to see a dragon laughing so calmly but something inside of me stirs. It's like I'm jumping for joy at just the thought of dealing with him. I see then that his body is in a cave and I get a little bold.
"Can I come to your cave?" I ask him softly, watching his entire body stiffen, "I won't do anything. I'm just cold."
He raises his eyes to the sky, "a snowstorm is on the horizon... I guess you can."
I smile a little, gathering my stuff and walking over to him. As soon as I am near him, my skin starts to feel electric, like something is happening to me, but I'm not sure what.
"I can't believe that you're actually letting me up here." I whisper softly, licking my bottom lip, "Have you lived here for long?"
"My entire life." He grumbles, turning his body to slink back into the cave, "Follow me. You can make a fire."
I nod, following him in and feeling a bit surprised at how warm the cave is. He goes and lays down by the wall and watches me closely as I go and start the fire. I have to look around a little for wood but he tells me where some is and I'm able to start the fire with no problem. I lay my blanket down near the fire and sit on it, warming my hands.
"You have a pretty warm cave." I whisper, looking at the fire as it starts to heat the room.
"My body generates enough heat to keep me fine." He explains to me, resting his head on his feet, so close that I could feel his breath, tempted to touch him, "I've been alone for so long, it's kind of strange to have you here with me."
"I've never seen a dragon shifter." I tell him softly, "My father told me that they were all dead, so I thought that I could explore the mountain. I never intended to hurt or bother you."
"You didn't." He grumbles, "but there are not a lot of us left. It's why we live in solitude now."
"Do you have a pack?" I ask him, wanting to know more.
"No. There was a pack a few mountains over, but I haven't been in touch with them in years." He admits to me, looking away.
"What happened to your family?" I ask him then, curious.