Page 9 of Earth's Paladin
Always knew you had a bit of a masochist side. It explains those ghost peppers you insist on torturing us with.
“Obviously you’re not a horse or you’d have hooves and be less argumentative.”
“I’m a werewolf.” Might as well get it out of the way.
“How unfortunate for you.”
“Are you always this rude or did I catch you on a good day?”
“I see the men of this time still cannot handle a forthright woman.” She sniffed.
“You sure are a prize. I can see why someone dumped you in the woods,” he muttered.
“I was not dumped. I told you I recently hatched from my healing seed after being trapped for centuries.”
“Trapped by who?”
“The witch, Circe,” she hissed.
“And why did she curse you?” he asked, more interested than he would have expected.
“Because she was a jealous hag. It is good she is already dead, or my first task would be to send her to perdition.”
“Killing isn’t something that should be done lightly. It haunts you.” It haunted him. He couldn’t stop seeing—
He shook his head. Nope. Not going there. Bad enough, the nightmare returned every single time he closed his eyes.
“Then you’re weak. Killing is a part of life. Sometimes to flourish, a culling is required.”
Agreed. You should listen to her.
He ignored his beast. “Killing people is murder.”
“Not if they deserve it.”
“What if they don’t?”
“Then that’s unfortunate for them.”
Ha. Really starting to like her.
“Ever heard of remorse?” Baptiste countered.
She snorted. “What’s the point once it’s happened?”
“Because maybe you feel bad about your actions.”
“I never feel bad about what I do.”
“What if a curse made you do it?”
“Then it wouldn’t be my fault so even less reason to lament.”
See, she doesn’t whine and cry and play a little violin.
“That’s cold,” Baptiste retorted.
“No, the weather is cold. Attaching guilt to actions that you aren’t responsible for is dumb.”